Everyone loves the classic Disney protagonists, and some even wish they could be them. Rewatching the movies of my childhood, I often notice how much thought goes into the creation of the villain. They are so evil and so easy to hate. Sometimes I even find the bad guys more interesting than the good guys because of how developed they are. These poor villains always lose the battle and are forgotten in the sea of princesses and happy-go-lucky main characters. It's time that they deserve some recognition and appreciation. I mean, without them, there wouldn't even be any Disney movies!
Here's a short countdown of the 13 most unappreciated-yet-still-ridiculously-evil villains that Disney has created so far.
13. Clayton (The Poacher) of "Tarzan."
Clayton was such a sneaky guy. He joined the expedition to supposedly "research" the gorillas, but later displayed that he wanted to catch the gorillas and sell them (or possibly kill them). We had no idea just how evil he was for about half of the movie, and then he just springs out of nowhere and wreaks havoc throughout the jungle.
12. Governor Ratcliffe (The Greedy White Guy) of "Pocahontas."
I don't really need to describe why Ratcliffe is such a rat. He wanted gold and fame so badly that he would kill for it. He also taught me what the word xenophobic meant, so I guess that was nice of him.11. Maleficent (Scary Sorceress) of "Sleeping Beauty."
Maleficent embodies the full spirit of bitterness, but her magic was still super impressive. This crazy lady literally cursed a baby because she wasn't invited to her christening. What the heck?10. Ursula (The Weird Octopus Lady) of "The Little Mermaid."
9. Mother Gothel (The Kidnapper) of "Tangled."
8. Queen Grimhilde (The Wicked Queen) of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
The original evil queen graced us with her presence in 1938, and it's hard to not include her on this list. She hates Snow White for no other reason than just because she is considered more beautiful than the queen herself. It's pure jealousy. Being jealous wasn't just enough either, she had to try and KILL Snow White. She also made herself an ugly witch at one point... She made herself ugly to kill someone beautiful.
7. The Queen of Hearts ("Off With Their Heads!") of "Alice in Wonderland."
This queen is off-the-charts crazy. Her subjects live entirely in fear of her, and she uses animals as a croquet set. Also, she thinks that she can solve all of her problems by beheading everyone. She lost a game of croquet to Alice and ordered for her to be killed. Take a chill pill, lady.6. Claude Frollo (The Minister of "Justice?") of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."
5. Gaston (The Bro of All Bros) of "Beauty and the Beast."
Gaston is just plain annoying. He's aggressively chauvinistic, rude, and extremely vain. He thinks he is "The Man" and is great at everything. Even though Belle says 'no' repeatedly to his sexual advances, he will stop at nothing until he gets a 'yes.' He even tries to kill the Beast just because Belle likes him more. Side note, it's unclear if Gaston actually works out or if he just eats a plethora of raw eggs. Could this be the new #gains strategy?4. Jafar (Really Tall Evil Sorcerer) of "Aladdin."
OK, maybe he isn't really that tall, but when he stands next to the little Sultan he seems like a giant. This guy has no morals, doesn't understand remorse, and wants to trick Jasmine into being his slave queen just so that he can kill her and take the throne. He's pretty much an amoral psychopath, which makes him pretty scary just because he's realistic.