No matter how good (or bad) you'd describe your health, one thing is for sure: a little boost is ALWAYS a good idea. Whether that's reading a new, motivating book, or listening to a song that speaks to your soul, there are plenty of resources to help your health thrive on any given day.
It's common knowledge that your hormones impact practically every aspect of your body. Weight gain, acne, mental health... it's all related to your hormonal health. If your life is treating your body like the superstar it is, your endocrine glands should produce the perfect amount of each hormone to keep you running like a well-oiled machine. This is a nice thought, sure. In our current society, even the most balanced person you know may be missing an important aspect of respecting their body. Things like sleep, stress, diet, exercise, and a busy pace of life can throw hormones off balance and negatively impact your general wellbeing. Sometimes these imbalances are noticed right away, while other times they can be smaller — annoying, but not as obvious.
Attempting to balance your hormones can be frustrating. It really is true how one little misstep can throw the whole system off track! But with small, simple habits, you can teach your body how to hormonally thrive.
Each week, we're bringing you the best resources and influencers to give you a health boost. Here's what we're following this week regarding balancing your hormones.
Book: "WomanCode"
Any woman can tell you that hormones can make life really good or really gross. "WomanCode" focuses on understanding your body so you know what it needs and when it needs it. Hormones aren't always the same — "that time of the month" is very literally talking about a hormone shift within your body. This means you have to adjust accordingly.
Podcast: "The Alchemized Life"
It doesn't take a medical degree to understand that stress is bad for your body. Ava, host of "The Alchemized Life," walks you through the logistics of stress on the body and how you can get your hormones back on track, even in stressful times.
Instagram influencer: Golden Wellness
There is a lot more to hormonal health than how many hours of sleep you get. Everything — literally everything — impacts it, even the cleaning supplies you use! Emily at Golden Wellness talks about each and every detail that you can control to keep your hormones happy and healthy.
Twitter account: Justine Evans ND
Hormonal health expert Justine Evans provides recipes, tips, articles, and workshop links, all dedicated to your hormonal health!
YouTuber account: More Salt Please
We can all agree that balanced hormones are happy hormones, but there are so many steps! So many things to check on and accomplish for this future balanced life! More Salt Please breaks it down into five easy steps, making even the most complicated task easy and achievable.
Playlist: Calm Vibes
One of the best ways to balance your hormones is to calm your entire body down. Sure, a speedy playlist that makes you want to dance has its place in your agenda, but a calming, grounded playlist can help your body out when it needs to breathe.
BONUS: Vitamin D
Vitamin D can play a crucial role in regulating insulin and thyroid hormones (often tricky things to balance). It's an easy addition to your daily routine that can make a big difference.
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