If you're like most people, you are probably hoping for a better 2017. Because let's be honest, 2016 didn't go that well for you. But let's take a step back for a second, what if this past year wasn't good because of the actions you took or how you perceived things. Maybe we need to start changing our mindsets. Maybe we need to stop wishing for better and go out and seize the moment, carpe diem right?
It seems like every year, people are saying how bad their past year was and that with the new year things will be that much better. But I think that we often forget that we are in control of our own lives, which means our own happiness. We need to start taking the lows as something to grow from and learn from. Not everything needs to be looked at negatively and that is what is happening around this time every year repeatedly. Every year is going to have its own rough patches, but it is our jobs to push through and remember all the great things that are happening in our lives. So what if you got a bad grade on a test? You are more than your grades. I could go on and on with all of these "bad things" that happened in the past year, but they are only moments. Your future employer is not going to be worried about that one test grade you got back during your sophomore year of college. Learn from that grade, what do you need to do better in the future? And don't dwell on the moment, life goes on and something great is always going to happen when you least expect it.
In today's society, we try to make it a competition of sorts. Why are we competing to see who has it best or who is better than someone else? We are all unique individuals that work in our own unique ways. So stop focusing on what the person next to you is doing or trying to figure out why you don't 'match up" with someone else. The way each person does things or gets something done is solely their own and no one else's. So maybe in 2017, you should make it a goal to focus on you and you alone. Because that is when you are going to be your most happy.
So here is to 2017 and years to come. Make it goal to make each year better because you have truly learned from your experiences. Not because the year before was so terribly and you had it worse than someone else. Yes, that could be true but that's not what matters at the end of the day. Be happy and don't spread hate or malice. So yes, 2017 is going to be better because you will be focusing all the incredible things that are about to happen. Happy New Years!