Hopes For The New Year Expressed In Disney Gifs | The Odyssey Online
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Hopes For The New Year Expressed In Disney Gifs

A dream is a wish your heart makes....

Hopes For The New Year Expressed In Disney Gifs

As the holiday season comes and passes, this is the time of year we all sit around and reflect on the past 365 days and what we want to do to make the next 365 better. Most of it leads to continuously-failed attempts at getting fit, (I bet gyms love it when you pay for a three-month membership and show up once) promises to improve grades that go out the window as soon as you look at the class syllabus, and swearing to yourself you’ll totally give up chocolate for Lent this year (don’t tell anyone that at the last minute you changed your promise to lima beans). New Year’s is horrendously unsuccessful every year, at least for most people, but there’s still hope that we can improve ourselves within 2017. Here are my personal hopes for the future as expressed in Disney gifs.

1) Keep Up Motivation

Sophomore slump is real. I’m hoping this new, fresh start to a new Spring 2017 semester will inspire me to stop putting off assignments until the last minute. Write an essay ahead of time. Do the readingbefore class. Much easier said than done, but it’s not entirely out of the question.

2) Take More Chances

My freshman year I took a lot of risks—I put myself out there more than I had in the entirety of my life before. Thankfully out of it came some amazing friends and groups of people I’ll cherish forever, but I’ve recently found myself in a rut. In 2017 I’d like to regain that spirit of newness and exploration that started everything for me here at UGA. It was scary, of course, but damn it if I didn’t have fun.

3) Moments of Pure Bliss

You know those moments where you’re looking out at a night sky surrounded by people who love you and you just sort of realize “hey, this is my life, this is me, and in this moment, I’m so incredibly happy?” Those are my favorite moments. No matter how cliché or Perks of Being a Wallflower-esque they may seem, there’s nothing like a moment of genuine happiness to make you realize how great your life is right now. I want 2017 to be full of those moments.

4) Refuse to Allow Toxicity

As I grow older with every year I go through another cleanse of the people around me—in high school I was trapped with the same kids every day for 8-10 hours, so any bad vibes or toxic attitudes were pretty much impossible to avoid. But now I find that I’m significantly happier each time I let someone who has no business in my life out. It’s sad sometimes, sure, but not all friends last forever. And I hope I can continue this spirit to only surround myself with those who genuinely love and support me.

5) Inspiration Runs Rampant

Nothing in this world makes me feel more amazing and accomplished than creation—usually through writing. But as any writer knows, unless you have iron willpower, your ability to write well and clearly is entirely dependent on when inspiration hits you. I’ve cancelled plans, skipped meals, and stayed up late nights to harness the wave of inspiration before it washes away, because it can come and go in the blink of an eye. So I want to find more things in 2017 that inspire me to create and further cultivate myself as a writer. It’s my passion, it’s my love, and it’s my life. (Hopefully—if the economy doesn’t fall apart by the time I graduate.)

(That’s secretly hope 5.5.)

Here's to a happy 2017!

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