Dear future students,
You don't know me yet. I am head-over-heels ready to meet each and every one of you. I hope that I can be the person that you look up to for the next 180 days of school that we will share together. Being your teacher comes with great responsibility, a responsibility that I will always put first. As your teacher, there are a few hopes of my own that I wish for you as you enter my classroom:
1. I hope you always feel safe.
I promise you, our classroom will be a safe place. Just know that whatever may be bothering you, that I will always be here for you.
2. I hope you know you are loved.
Through the good and the bad, you will hold a special place in my heart.
3. I hope you learn to love school.
I hope that throughout the days you spend in my classroom, your love for school grows and that learning is something you actually enjoy.
4. I hope you believe in yourself.
Take the time to believe in yourself like I believe in you. You are capable and I know you will be able to conquer anything you put your mind to.
5. I hope you realize that being wrong is okay.
I will never degrade you or belittle you for answering something wrong. My job is to help you learn and I will do the best I can in the most compassionate way.
6. I hope you know that your grades or your test scores do not define you.
A grade is just a letter and a score is just a number. But, you? You are everything. You are composed of intelligence, talents, and individual quirks that mean far more than a grade or score.
7. I hope you know that I will always be here for you.
My biggest goal is to develop a relationship of trust within each and every one of you. If anything, please know that I will never let you down.
School may seem scary at first, but I am so ready for our adventure together.
Your future teacher