Hi, I'm Abbie ("Hi Abbie") and I am a hopeless romantic. If you clicked on this I'm guessing you just might be one too.
Or you're curious to see what this hopeless romantic has identified as signs of being one. In either case, welcome to the club, we've got nothin' but big hearts and love to share.
Alright lovely people, here's just a few signs you might be a hopeless romantic...
1. You have a higher capacity for watching cheesy romantic movies/chick flicks.
Hallmark and romance movies are bae.
3. You're always daydreaming...
You probably spend more time daydreaming than in reality.
4. You have the *occasional* tendency to give emotion to inanimate objects...
You often find yourself apologizing to an object you accidentally ran into, or not wanting any inanimate objects to get jealous that you're using another object instead of them.
5. You're fantasizing about a long-term relationship with a crush.
Even though all they did was say hi..
6. You have a secret, maybe not so secret, love for Disney movies!
Where else can you find all the happy endings you're looking for?! Besides christmas time on Hallmark...
7. You have tears while listening to certain songs or watching inspiring videos...
If you haven't heard the song "Christmas Shoes" listen to it for a good cry. And don't even get me started on those videos about a dogs loyalty or soldiers coming home.
8. You know the definition of a meet-cute.
Tripping and falling into anothers arms and locking eyes with one another and just knowing, you just fell for them.
9. Part of you always believes in magic.
What makes life more magical then... well, magic!
10. When your friends meet someone, you're so happy!
Now you get to stalk all their cute couple-y pictures on Facebook!
11. When you're in love, you've gotta tell everyone...
It takes all you have not to shout it from the roof tops.
12. Seeing cute couples in real life or in photos makes you happy.
Your pinterest feed becomes nothing but of cute couple pictures and wedding/engagement pictures of strangers. And you can't help but watch the cute couples while out waiting for that meet-cute.
13. You have passion for everything you do...
When you're doing something you love, you do it whole-heartedly.
14. The first kiss means a lot to you ...
The first kiss is a big moment, one to savor forever, so yeah it's a big deal!
15. You believe in one true love!
Maybe true love doesn't exist, but we entirely believe that it does