Hope is a word that you can Google or look up in the dictionary. By definition, hope is a noun, a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. People have hope, people show hope, an event can create hope. As a person, I have experienced all versions of hope possible, but when I think hope I do not refer back to the noun. To me, Hope is a name, a person, and in a way, not to make her ego any bigger, a savior.
As a whole the definition of is portrayed by her truly. To me she is my Aunt, but she has taken me in as her own and become a bigger idol to me than anyone could truly be. When I was younger I went through a series of idols. It started out with my father, then went to the mysterious wizards from my favorite Harry Potterbooks, then to absolutely nobody. At one point I lost all hope, and she was able to bring it back to me. You may take that in any sense that you would, but it is still true. She brought back my “Hope” metaphorically and literally and because of that she has become who I strive to be. Sometimes when I tell her that she responds telling me that I am dumb for striving to be like her, I should be striving to be better than her, but in all honesty, no matter what side of the spectrum you look at it is impossible. I know nobody stronger, I know nobody sweeter, I know nobody that can be a bigger ass hole… no matter what it is she is able to trump anyone in anything. That includes me, and frankly I am always right.
As time goes on and we all get older I can only appreciate her more and more. In her own annoying way, she is improving everyone’s life, even if at the moment it seems like things are getting worse, in the end, it is just going to be better. That is the funny thing. She holds true to her name. She brings hope, gives hope, and makes people hopeful for a better and greater future. I remember when I first moved away from home she acted like it did not bother her because of course she did not want me to feel like I had to stay and eventually she did admit to being sad because I am amazing! Just kidding! As time continued I realized she had become my best friend and that is why it hurt so much. Even after I moved, I was upset too and it was my choice. I realized I did have to grow up and move on, but I was also leaving my other half. She may be my adult figure and my mother, which is a forever thing, but I am also able to call her my best friend and make that a forever thing as well. Whoever is able to run into this lady is a lucky duck… I know I was!
I love you Hope Omalley
No matter how far away I fly from the nest I will always find my way back. <3