So that was crazy. Solely speaking from the point of view as someone who enjoys politics, last night was fun because I think it's fascinating seeing our political processes in action. Speaking as someone who didn't support either candidate, it was a weird sensation as the balance slowly tipped last night. Here's where it gets even stranger: I am incredibly full of hope moving forward.
Now I immediately want to make it abundantly clear that the reason I am full of hope is NOT because Donald Trump was just elected President. Nor is it because Hillary Clinton lost the election.
For those of my fellow citizens that are scared, hurt, worried, angered, or any such feeling, I want you to know I am here for you. I cannot and will not diminish those feelings, and we will not silence your voices. There are real concerns moving forward, but just know what I am about to say is just as much for you as those happy with the results. And this is more powerful than any fear could ever be.
I am full of hope because my hope rests not in a flawed human being but in a perfect Savior who has overcome the world.
Now some of yall might not identify with this hope, and that’s ok. You might have very strong and real preconceived notions about Christianity, and you might not be reassured by a “religious belief”. Here’s something that I want yall to hear:
“Christianity is represented by imperfect Christians trying to represent a perfect Christ. This explains why everything bad about Christianity can be traced back to Christians, but everything good can be traced back to Christ.” – Unknown
Now the purpose of this is not to try to “convert you”. It’s so much different and so much better than that. In this time of such a frenzied atmosphere with such division and hopelessness, I just want to suggest that you take a look into the person of Christ. He is the centerpiece, the cornerstone, the hope of the world. Forget religion and things people might have told you, and try to discover him for yourself. That’s all I can ask. Just never give up hope, and realize people will always fail you, but He never will.
To all those who do already identify with this hope: this is a crucial time.
Our hope is not in one man, or a government. It is not in politics, not in policy, not in human beings. Our hope and lives remain in Jesus Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Every leader, movement, and nation will become footnotes in history to Jesus. Our lives are not dependent upon this nation or any earthly thing, but rather our citizenship is in the Kingdom. There is a lot of division, hurt, problems, wounds, etc. right now, and that is a clear picture of how our world is. Our world is lost, dark, and broken, and this election has made that very clear not just to us, but also to those who might not know our Savior. They are looking for something to heal these issues, and some are saying love, but don’t understand the full concept of that. People are searching, and the only thing that will fulfill and mend people and lives and hurts is the Love that is named Jesus Christ. He has never failed, and is the solution to any problem we face. We are called to bring the light and love of Christ into this broken world, and we HAVE to remember that above all else. We cannot fall into the name-calling and division. We will not put our hope in our president-elect. We don’t need to tell people that they will be ok, and get wrapped up in the politics again. Politics can easily become an idol, even if we don’t like what we are seeing, but we have to remember that we have the answer the world is looking for. The answer is not a president, or movement. The answer is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
“In his name the nations will put their hope.” – Matthew 12:21
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
So church, here is where we stand. I don’t care who you voted for, or why, but now is not the time to celebrate a victory or mourn the loss. Now is the time to stand up with the love of Christ, and reach out to a lost, dark, broken, and hurting world. We are united with Christ, not just in His death and resurrection, but also in his life. We are called to be the peacemakers, the ones who go to the hurting and the broken.
We are called to bring Love this world, even though it might never love us.
We are called to be the embodiment of Christ on this earth.
So now go, and bring the hope of nations to all those you encounter.