37 Pieces Of Hope If You're Terrified Of The Next Four Years | The Odyssey Online
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37 Pieces Of Hope If You're Terrified Of The Next Four Years

Because, if I'm being honest, I'm terrified of Donald Trump.

37 Pieces Of Hope If You're Terrified Of The Next Four Years
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As just one person there's not much I can do to support those who are scared right now. So I thought, why not collect the words of many people? Say... 37 of them to bring others hope?

So I asked 37 people, "What would you say to a young person who is completely terrified of Trump to give them hope?" So, here they are. 37 little tidbits of hope for the average person who's afraid of Trump."

1. Mone Moore, Editor-in-Chief, Odyssey @ Creighton University in Omaha

"I would say that the U.S. is very resilient country. We as an American people have the right to a lot of things like protesting that can really get the message across. It just takes calling political leaders, spreading sound info, and really truly understanding what is going on and using that to our advantage"

2. Joselin Lemus

"I think I would want to tell any young person that you can't forget to fight. You can't forget to resist. Fighting back is what makes history. Fighting back can keep hope alive. Fight back with love for one another. Encourage one another and protect each other. Regardless of what happening and what will happen in the next few years, we will get through this."

3. Holly Lawson

"Look at what he has done. He has inspired a revolution. Don't get me wrong, he himself is ignorant, bigoted, racist, sexist, and xenophobic (I could go on). However, he has shown how many people are not. Millions marched against him, against his ideas, his ways. Petition after petition has gone up, fighting whatever unethical thing he is doing. People are uniting in extreme numbers to show him we will not stand for oppression. Woman, man, child, black, white, gay, straight, rich, poor or park ranger - it doesn't matter. People are fighting for equality for everyone, and that gives me hope."

4. Hannah Johnson

"I would tell them to never give up, because if you give up your will to fight back, you're giving up on who or what you're fighting for. Change is possible, and if you believe in your heart that a chance at life SHOULD be fair for everyone, use that empathy as your drive. Feel sad about it, angered, even frightened - immerse yourself in these emotions and use them to fuel your passion to make the world a happier place. Optimism and positivity will light your path."

5. Ruthie Baker

"I would let them know that he doesn't have as much power as people give him credit for, and even the congress can overthrow his executive orders, and even if that fails, in 4 more years we will have a new president."

6. Cindy Connellan

"I am terrified of Trump... But what I am doing is staying vigilant. I am contacting legislators. I am supporting protests. I am listening to conversations between opposing views. I am supporting Republicans who are speaking out against Trump. I am following the ACLU for the first time in my life. I am encouraged by the numbers of people who are out in force to protest. I think that it is important that we stay alert and not let our guard down. I am hopeful that our Constitution will save us."

7. Cat Aliperta

"Id tell them that the only way to stay as safe as you can be is to stay informed. It's hard to overthrow unjust doings in the presidential administration without millions on your side, so at least know WHAT is going on so you're aware. And by the way, there are millions on your side. It isn't too late to rally them all to try to be the change you want to see in the world."

8. Emily Gabriel

"I don't really know what I'd say to someone who's terrified of this situation, because I'm pretty scared myself. I'm just holding on to the belief that somehow, the system will recognize its mistakes and try to rectify them, and hopefully soon so there isn't TOO much damage to the country. other than that, it's reassuring to see that many politicians and government officials have been putting their own jobs on the line (like the former US Secretary of defense? I think?) for the rights of the people; as long as there's people like that, there's still some hope left for the country."

9. Sydney Clothey

"I would say that years before Trump, there was Bush. He was pretty bad but we are still here, still fighting for some basic human rights, and hoping for a better tomorrow. But I've been on this planet for 18 years and I've seen the sun shine every single day. I've lived every day in this state without having any kind of martial law forced on me. I think that things have to get bad before they can transform into something good. Instead of being afraid of trump, know that he is the president and will be for 4 years unless impeached. You're not alone here. There are millions of people around you who are just as apprehensive. As long as we all stick together, we will get through this tough time as a nation. Whether we impeach him or end up supporting him, we must stick together."

10. Nina Forziati

"For me, I just think its nice to know that I'm not alone. There are obviously millions of other people who are scared and unsure of the future. I think our best plan is to stick together and not give up"

11. Mel Fortin

"Keep moving forward" - Walt Disney

12. Amber Smith

"I would say to remember one of my favorite harry potter quotes. "Hapiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on thr light". Things will be okay and things will get better, all in good time Never loose faith, no one can take that from you:)"

13. Elizabeth Perry

"I'd say that Trump is only one man against millions of people who are actively engaged in fighting back against his ignorance. You see the lawyers in the airport writing affidavits pro bono, scientists fighting back and running for office in an effort to save the environment, and literally the entire country of Netherlands setting up a fund to fight back against the gag rule. It is ultimately up to everyday citizens to fight for what is right and if we continue to do so we will be okay. Sorry for the cheesiness, I'm especially sentimental lately."

14. Cami Douglas

"You are surrounded by those you love and those who love you. They will support you through any fear just as you support them. When things get rough, which they will get, hold their hands just as they hold yours and just keep moving with your head up. Never be ashamed of yourself, your family, or those you care about."

15. Jenna Vieira

"I would say that sooner or later people will begin to notice that what he's doing goes against what Americans claim to believe in, and that realization will spark a movement that will allow voices to be heard and counteract what he's doing."

16. Julia Fitzgerald

"Ugh that question brings out so many feelings from me. I think that they should know they're not alone, most of us are afraid too. But strength comes in numbers and there are so many people in this country who want to protect the people from that wretched human. As someone who studies the justice system I am hopeful that the rest of our government will do its duties to ensure the safety of the people of this country. And should this system fail us during this presidency, know that we are the future and we can change America for the better again. Until then, to all of my brothers and sisters who are scared, I've got your back and I'll fight for you."

17. Linda Hershey

My Great Aunt Hershey is very active on Facebook. I see her sharing articles and videos, tagging me in all sorts of important messages about Trump and how to stay hopeful. She honestly blew my mind! :)

"I would tell them to pay attention!! Pay attention to what happens when the wrong person gets into power(Trump). This is a great learning experience for them. It will show how important it is to be well informed about who they vote for. Voting is important. Listen to what different politician say and how they vote on different matters. Be ready to vote for the right person next time. Hopefully if we pay attention,Trump will be gone in four years without destroying our country. This country is in the hands of the next generation. Pay attention,be involved. It's up to you now."

18. Katie Casazza

"Realize as soon as you can how deeply powerful your voice is. Never doubt the influence of your thoughts and opinions, especially when strengthened together with others who value the same basic human rights that you do. Voice your opinion unapologetically and with the mindset that you can set forth positive change and growth in the world."

19. Emily Doucette

"I'd remind people that in the face of a seemingly impossible situation there is always something you can do. In the Nazi controlled Netherlands people offered their protection for Jews because they knew it was the right thing to do and that Hitler was morally wrong. In Soviet occupied Germany people took incredible risks in order to provide a better life for their families and future generations. In this time when you can feel hopeless and feel like there is nothing you can do because a madman has taken a hold of the highest office in our country because a percentage of people in this country felt that the country was being "taken from them" or that their way of life was being impeded on by minority groups and bleeding heart liberals, there is so much you can do because we live in a country that is already great. You can write, call, text, tweet, or Facebook your representatives, who work for you, and hold them accountable for their actions in office because again they work for you. You can go to city hall discussions and ask these people why they voted a certain way. You can write inspiration and impassioned blog posts to give someone that extra bit of support they need. You can to rally's and sit ins and marches and be counted with people who feel very much like you do. You can research representatives and laws and precedents for what is going on right now and spread that information to others so that they can be well informed. But most of all remember that love trumps hate every time and that we will get through this mess and become better people and humans for having done so."

20. James Peddle

"I would say. There is strength in numbers. No matter how terrifying things may seem, whenever like minded individuals gather to protest evil and injustice progress will always happen. Even if that progress seems small, remember to stay strong. Educate yourself as well as others, and be the very best "you" you can be. Do not be afraid to cry. Do not be afraid to voice your fears. There is always someone who will listen. Always."

21. Ted Mitchell

"Well, I would say that if one takes the long view of things, this too shall pass. However, I would caution anyone (young or old) that now is not the time to put one's head in the sand. We must remain vigilant against tyranny, and do not want to go the way of Rome or Germany. The will of one man can never prevail in this country. Democracy is a precious thing."

22. Kristen Stott

"I'd say that as much as you want to give in to the hatred and run away (my personal choice for escape would've been Canada), standing up and fighting for yourself and other oppressed individuals is the better option. I marched in the Boston women's march and I've never felt as supported and safe as I did there with those people. There is a sense of community and respect that you will find within others with the same outlook as you, and no president or oppressive individual can take that away from you. Hold onto that, it is what will get you through the hard times. And at the end of the day, let your sense of humor or a creative outlet keep you afloat."

23. Joanne Morelli

"I would say the politicians on both sides of the aisle should be able to squash alot of the damage Trump will try to inflict on us. We can protest his ridiculous rantings every step of the way. We the people have the right to have our voices heard. Not since the 60's has there been such active massive protests. Alot changed because of it so that is what we have to do."

24. Kathryn McCarthy

"Never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it!" -Hillary Clinton

"Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams!!!

If we stand together and work together with respect for our difference's; strength in our convictions and love for this nation our best days are still ahead of us!"

25. Nathalie Reyes

"Hey, I'm usually not too outspoken ok political topics. But here are my two cents: I would say is that if you're looking for hope, that you need to understand. You need to research. Trump is an absolute undesirable person; that is without question. Yet, I feel like so many of us feed into the hype of social media instead of doing more research and learning about our constitution and the laws in place and what it all means with Trump as president. Let's educate ourselves and rightfully so when our rights are being threaten let's advocate for ourselves. Stay hopeful because there is only so much he can do and there are many people out there showing love, support and solidarity. In times like this, our country needs discernment, understanding and unity. I feel like once we have those things, we'll have a better projection on the next steps that we as a people need to take. For now, we need to unite and be strong."

26. Niko Pappas

"Just like in Harry Potter, the Order of the Phoenix wins."

27. Anonymous

"I would tell them that they matter. That educating yourself on the facts from all sources is key to voicing what you believe. That your gut instincts and conviction will guide you to the right people. Elections do not define you and your patriotism. Focus on your local government because they have the real power. If you dont feel safe either find someone you trust or get out of your state. It's ok to not be ok. Know you are not alone. We will make America great again in our own way. Be patient and kind even to those who aren't."

28. Makalah Moore

"I guess my advice wold be to watch the protests because you can see people united by Trump's rhetoric for a just cause instead of divided because of his inflammatory rhetoric."

29. Lauren Yandow

"Don't let him silence you, we are young and our voices should be louder than ever".

30. Cheyenne Zaremba

"You are are not powerless. Throughout history we have seen leaders come and go, but the power of the people has always remained, and it's the power of the people that moves this country. Don't let anyone tell you that you're overreacting or make you feel bad for standing up for your beliefs. The United States is meant to be a place of freedom and refuge, so if you feel afraid in your own country, you should absolutely stand up and say something because the chances are, you're not the only one. You cannot control what our president does, but you can control how you react. Rather than let the rhetoric of today's politics divide us, let it bring us together and bond us ever stronger in solidarity."

31. Koda Mehalba

"Let it fuel you. Do not normalize the hurt and fear you feel. It's valid to feel that way, seek support in spaces you feel safe. If you are able to do something, or say something, do so."

32. Bella Cigna

"If a young person told me this, I'd tell them not to worry too much, because while trump is doing lots of unjust things, there are also people out there fighting it. I'd ask them if they've seen pictures of all the crowds of people with signs, and tell them that those people are gonna protect us and make sure that we can still have hope even if trump is in charge. Trump makes a lot of quick decisions but other people are analyzing those decisions more thoroughly and truly understanding if they're good for us. Then they're taking a stand! We have to be the critical people. We have to be the ones who fight for what's right! Try not to be too scared of Trump, because this is your country too "

33. Anonymous

"Hey, I think for some advice I'd give would be to have faith in the Nation. As we've seen recently, when we come together as one against a dividing force, the type of awareness and action we can achieve is outstanding. If we want to survive together, we must fight together in standing up for the values our country was originally built on."

34. Rachel Baxter

"Be chary. Weariness can be repurposed into a catalyst for change."

35. Jen Jordan

"One of my favorite quotes is: "life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it". Let that sit. Life isn't fair. It isn't always fair and it isn't always unfair but I truly believe that attitude is everything. With that said, there is good and bad in the world but above all else, above all action, is an outlook. If you stay positive m, stay hopeful, even in the darkest of times, you can overcome any negative that the 10% throws your way. You can make 90% of you life end up exactly as you wish. Now, if you are in a scary and dark 10%, and you cannot find the positive or the silver lining, that is when you make a change. You trust that everything happens for a reason and if you do not foresee that, then you take action into your own hands. You change everything that you CAN change to create that positive outlook- to make the 10% brighter in the future. I am one person and I may not be able to change what happens in this world, but just like I will not break the spirit of others, I will not let one person break my spirit. I simply hope that everyone else can find the strength to do the same."

36. Victor Spencer

"Anything that Trump wants to do will have to go through Congress first. And not to mention, there's also far more rational Americans than there are corrupt leaders. Trump won't really be able to destroy the country. If things do start getting as bad as many of us believe it could get, there's strength in numbers and we won't let him ruin America, or all of the progress we've made."

37. Calvin Arthur

"You're afraid of Trump. I am to. The best course of action now, more than ever, is solidarity. Unite with those who are like you. Unite with those opposite of you. Simultaneously embrace your individuality and your differences. Be proud of who you are. Your skin tone, your race, your orientation, your religion, all of it. Flaunt what you have to offer to the world. Educate those willing to listen and defy those who believe they know everything. Know that you ARE strong, you ARE loved, but you are NOT alone."

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