Hope is something that everyone needs to have in their life, whether it be a lot or little. For me, hope gives me something to work towards and more importantly something to look forward to. I am a twenty-year-old college student who is already in debt, and I can honestly say if I did not have hope, I probably would not make it through the day. Having hope for my future is something I want to have for as long as I am living because, without it, I would stop trying. So these are my hopes for you, Future Alexandrea:
I hope you are making a difference.
I hope you are doing something you love.
I hope you are surrounded only by the people who help you be the best version of yourself.
I hope you have seen more of the world.
I hope you have learned to forgive others, but mostly yourself.
I hope you are in love (or at least have been) and someone loves you just as much.
I hope you still appreciate Grey's Anatomy.
I hope you are healthy.
I hope you failed a lot (and learned from the failures).
I hope you laugh daily.
I hope you are still reading.
I hope you know how to deal with death better.
I hope you have a dance party once a week.
I hope you waited (and know what this means).
I hope you are happy.
I hope you love yourself as much as you love other people.
I hope you talk to your family weekly.
I hope you have 2 dogs(at least).
I hope you still wear your heart on your sleeve.
I hope you are still someone'sversion of innocent.
I hope you are still fighting for the things you believe in.
Hope is my one constant. I can find it in the biggest and littlest things. It is what keeps me going when I feel I am just going through the motions. My biggest hope for my future self is that I have not lost mine.