The ideology that "hope for humanity is lost" is making its way through the hearts of pessimistic human beings everywhere. However, I have to disagree with the latest trend in thought. It just isn't in my power or my morality to give up on an entire species because a few decide to make bad decisions. It isn't fair to the individuals who emanate saint-hood and beauty in their everyday routine. Life is not one giant Tumblr blog, it's more intricate and much more original. Hope for humanity isn't lost and we shouldn't feel that it is. Keep reading and I'll tell you why.
We don't pay attention to the good
I'll tell you a little secret; if you go looking for the bad in society, you're going to find it. Here's an example: If you google "why Obama is a terrible president," you are going to find article after article describing his mistakes and then, you are going to spread those articles like a wildfire. "Look at everything that came up, obviously he was terrible!" Well, no duh, you literally googled all of his mistakes at once! Did you expect anything good? However, if you google "why Obama is a good president," the results are going to be significantly different. We need to stop searching for the bad. If the only thing you decide to listen to is the bad, then yes, humanity is going to seem as if it is spiraling down hill. The issue is our perspective. Try googling the good, it may change your mindset. The good is there, pay attention to it.
Good things happen EVERYDAY
Just because it isn't covered in the daily news doesn't make the "good" less noteworthy.
Like I said before, people tend to go looking for the bad. Psychology Today, as well as many other studies, suggests, "that we care more about the threat of bad things than we do about the prospect of good things." It makes sense that primary news outlets would decide to talk about weaknesses, rather than strengths. The bad is shown more because we want it to be. We don't care that the weather in Florida is nice, give us hurricanes and tropical storms and then we'll pay attention. However, just because it isn't widely covered, doesn't mean good news doesn't exist. The following news websites exist for the sole purpose of giving the world good news to ease their mind. Check them out, they might just give you the hope you need.
We used to make fire from stone
We used to be primal and now you're reading a blog on a mac book air, tablet, mobile device, or other marvels of technology. Stop looking at where we are and take a gander at where we were. All of our technological advances and you have the audacity to say that "hope is lost?" We can literally fly in a giant mechanical device over the seas and hope is gone because someone was robbed, shot, or had their rights violated. I'm all for justice, but at some point, you have to realize that we have come from caves and stones to indoor plumbing and central air.
The bad is ruthless, agonizing, and incredibly frustrating, but admitting defeat in a world of so much good is even more frustrating than spilled blood. Hope will only be lost when we decide it to be. When we give up and decide to stop the very things that make us human, then you can say that "hope for humanity is lost." When there is an asteroid plummeting towards earth and we have tried endlessly to avoid a collision, then you can say "hope for humanity is lost." If zombies start sprouting from the ground, then you can say "hope for humanity is lost." Until then, don't say it. Don't utter such fallacy when there are people spending thousands for charity, children being adopted, medical research being done, people surviving surgeries, animals being rescued, and love still existing. You are the problem, change your perspective. Look for the good. I shouldn't be the one telling you that hope isn't lost, all you need to do is go outside and see for yourself.