Odyssey’s Facebook page recently shared an article titled “To The Girl Who Hooks Up With Everyone,” and my curiosity was automatically piqued.
As I read the article I found myself internally screaming after almost every sentence. While I do not see myself as "the 2 a.m. girl" the article writes about, I still have found many issues with the logic used to support these opinions.
The author’s idea is to “create awareness, girl to girl” about females who "hook up" when they want to and their lack of self-respect. It goes on to say that they are trying to show people (possibly an ex) that they are doing well and having fun, while deep down they aren’t as well off as they make it seem.
To start, I would like to question if this article feels the same way about males or if its only females who need to repress themselves sexually? The author of the article, being a female, should understand that when girls start judging one another for their wants, that’s what makes (some immature) males believe they can call girls shaming names for the things they do.
Also, a huge thing that gets me about the article is that just because a girl has sex does not mean that she does not have self-respect. Maybe her going and doing what she pleases shows that she knows what she wants. Psychologically, on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, sex is one of the physiological needs along with food, water, and sleep. Just because one person does not feel that desire or ‘need’ yet in life does not mean that it is an unnatural or shameful thing.
A person is not devaluing themselves at the hand of intimacy with others.
Not everyone who sleeps with whomever they want whenever they want “hates” themselves.
The article goes on to say that, “Your perfect prince doesn't want a girl that everyone has...” In reality, though, whenever a girl meets the right person, he (or she) should be “good” enough to overlook choices of the past and only be concerned with their future. A woman is more than her sex life; as long as she has a big heart and a strong mind, her “Prince Charming” should understand.
An if he truly is right for her, he will.
Overall, two responsible people consciously making a choice and knowing the possible repercussions of their actions are allowed to make that decision on their own and should not have judgments placed on them for doing what they feel is right at the time.
As long as people are being safe, responsible, and consenting to what is occurring, then it shouldn’t be a big deal what they do.
If you want to wait until marriage to have sex, then wait. If you only feel right having sex when you are in a committed relationship, do just that. Do what makes you feel the most comfortable, and don’t let anyone shame you if you decide to wait or if you decide that ‘hooking up’ is something you want to do. It is your body and only you know what you feel, so just because one thing is right for someone doesn’t mean that that is what is right for everyone.