Steven Markowitz, more commonly known as Hoodie Allen, released his newest album on January 22, 2016, titled "Happy Camper." This is the 27-year-old, New York-based rapper’s sixth project -- his first break into the music world as a solo artist, mixtape "Pep Rally," will turn six years old in September. Over the years, Hoodie has put out a combination of purchasable EPs, mixtapes, and albums as well as free ones -- "Happy Camper" being both.
Album art for Hoodie Allen's Happy Camper, released on January 22, 2016
Hoodie released the 10-song work January 22 not only on iTunes for sale, but also on his website to download for free. Despite the ability to access it for no cost, "Happy Camper"reached the number two spot for top-selling albums on its first day available (just behind Adele’s "25"), as well as earning a slot in the Billboard Top 10 within the first week of being out. As if this was not initially impressive enough already, Hoodie is also one of the only rap artists to reach this level of success without being signed to a record label.
January 27, 2016: Hoodie Allen’s Happy Camper ranked number eight in Billboard’s Top 10 albums, with “Hoodie Allen” listed as the record label.
To kick off the celebration of a new year and new music, Hoodie has set out on The Happy Camper tour. Starting in Portland last Thursday, February 4, the endeavor will travel all throughout the United States until its final show on March 22 in New York City (buy tickets here).
Joining the headliner includes singer Blackbear and rapper KYLE, who are featured on the first single that was released from "Happy Camper" titled “Champagne and Pools,” which has racked up 2.61 million listens on Soundcloud since it was posted in December.
Following “Champagne and Pools” was the leading single of "Happy Camper" called “Are U Having Any Fun?” featuring singer/songwriter Meghan Tonjes. Pushing forward the song’s success was it’s fun, goofy music video that was released three days before the album came out. Modeled to resemble a video game, the video takes you through a night in which Hoodie aims to please and win over a girl that he is taking out on their first date. Including scenes of a mariachi band randomly appearing to play in the middle of a restaurant and a break out into a synchronized Dance Dance Revolution routine, this video is full of quirkiness and amusement to assure that the viewer is indeed, having fun.
In addition to “Are U Having Any Fun?” previous hit singles from this artist include “You Are Not A Robot” from "Pep Rally," “No Faith in Brooklyn” and “No Interruption” from "All American," “All About It” from "People Keep Talking," and more.