From the first kiss to your first fight, relationships are all about growing and getting to know one another. They are two people learning to take their differences and expose the beauty that the other has. And as every relationship may seem like it ages just as sweet as wine, it also comes with the beauty of one another growing fonder of one another and knowing the other person better. At times, it happens at a level you truly never quite expected. As the two of you grow closer and build a stronger bond, you truly start to give yourself to the person. Some ways are sweet, others are annoying, and others are extremely stalker-ish. Nevertheless, it is your way of showing you care. Here are 10 ways your relationship changes from three months to the first year,
1. Date night
Giphy3 months: Dinner reservations have already been made for a week, and you have already modeled numerous pre-planned outfits to your roommates. You finish your last makeup touches before your date rings the doorbell.
1 year: The sweatpants are on and he is downstairs paying the delivery man as you are trying to figure out what movie you two have not already seen together.
2. Period drama
Giphy3 months: You try your best not to scare him off just quite yet, and you try to make the bloody mess not ruin the cute outfit that you had planned for your night out.
1 year: You have no fears of showing him your moody hormonal side and he knows exactly when he needs to stop trying. And even when he seems to drive you even more insane, he still knows what tampon brand you like and where they are located exactly when needed. He also knows the perfect pants to bring when you accidentally bleed through yours at work and he brings you emergency underwear and tampons, despite him being busy.
3. Shopping
Giphy3 months: You go to each other's favorite stores and try to not annoy the other too much. Mostly, your day is spent at the food court sharing some fries.
1 year: He is the one reminding you that you need new bras as you pass Victoria's Secret with his friends... they know what you need and what 10th pair of leggings you don't need. You either spend most of your time apart (or you have your partner waiting two hours at Foot Locker), but when it comes to advice, you are right to tie his tie or help zip up her dress.
4. Fighting
Giphy3 months: That's it! It is over. No going back now. Yep. I am just going to not respond to any of his texts.
1 year: You have lived out the same fight hundreds of times. And instead of the past where you just walked out or tried to let it go, you are willing to have a full on screaming fight with your partner. It lasts all of three minutes before you two start laughing and walk out holding hands. At this point, even the little things that drive you crazy is something you adore about them. You also have learned that no fight is worth pushing your time apart from each other.
5. Texting
Giphy3 months: If he left you on read, then he is in big trouble. You two always have a texting conversation going on and are always aware of what is going on.
1 year: Texting resorts to simple things such as, "When are you coming over?" and, "Dinner with Jamie and Curt tonight?" You may not be able to always text or have a Snapchat streak, but they are always there no matter what to answer the phone when needed.
There arrives a moment in your relationship that you realize your partner knows everything about you. And I swear, you can look at them and have a mental conversation. Both of you know exactly what is being said. Or, one of you comes home with a bag of lettuce instead of milk. Either way, as relationships progress, you begin to realize that person you first sat across a dinner table flirting with is has become more than a love interest to you. Instead, they have grown to be a best friend. Getting to know someone to the level of full comfort and knowing each other's every move is not the death of a relationship. It is the start of a beautiful bossing of a friendship that you have found in each other. Although you may still not get all the answers right, you get to figure them out with your best friend by your side.