11 Beneficial Uses Of Raw Honey | The Odyssey Online
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Health Wellness

11 Reasons You Should Always Have Raw Honey In Your House 24/7

This is the superfood you might not know about.

Raw Honey
Lindsay Moe

If you know me, you know that I always have a jar of local honey in my cabinet.

Besides the fact that it's delicious, honey can be used in a number of different ways to benefit your health and make your food taste better. These are my 11 favorite uses for honey!

Disclaimer: You have to, have to, have to, have to, use raw honey for these things. Using raw, local honey is a bonus!

It can be used as a sweetener.

Substitute sugar in your tea and coffee for honey. It is super easy to stir into your beverages, as opposed to sugar that clumps up at the bottom of your cup.

Side Note: This is probably what you thought the entire article was about: using honey in foods. Prepare to have your mind blown.

It helps treat allergies.

Go to your local farmers market or grocery store and buy local honey. When you eat local honey, you are eating local pollen, which means over time you are becoming more accustom too and less sensitive to the pollen in your area; therefore, you're allergy symptoms could decrease or even disappear.

Honey can cure pretty much any skin issue.

Do you have acne? Are your pores clogged? Does your skin feel dry? Do you feel like your skin is dull? Massage a thin layer of honey onto your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Honey is a natural antibacterial, making it perfect to treat acne flare-ups. It is also extremely soothing to the skin and it makes your skin glow.

It can help soothe a sore throat.

If your throat is hurting and you don't want to use cough drops or cough syrup, use honey. It won't make you drowsy and, more importantly, it won't taste gross. Mix a little bit of honey with hot water and lemon and sip away!

Make amazing margaritas!

Honey can give your margarita a delicious flavor and velvety taste that sugar or simple syrup will never be able to give you! It can also be used to just rim your drink. Just mix a little bit of honey with water and dip the rim of the glass in it.

It can help fade scars.

For acne scars, you can mix honey and a little bit of baking soda together and exfoliate your skin with it. This will gently get the dead skin out of the way, while the honey works to fade your scars. For scars on your body, you can mix honey with olive oil or coconut oil and rub it on your scars.

Honey can replace sugar in any recipe.

Honey can be used in any recipe to replace sugar. Its healthier and can give you the same sweetness that sugar can.

You can use it in a bubble bath.

Add a few tablespoons of honey to a few cups of hot water, mix until it dissolves and add it to your bath! Soaking in a little bit of honey can help repair damage done to your skin and hydrate it.

You can mix it with aloe to help treat sunburns.

Summer is wrapping up and you can't afford to stay out in the sun because you're burned. Help treat your burns by mixing honey and aloe! Just like aloe, honey contains anti-inflammatories and can help treat and soothe your sunburn.

It's a great last-minute gift idea!

Now that you know all of these wonderful uses for honey, you can write down what it can do and all of its benefits and give it to a friend.

Honey can save you money!

You won't have to buy sugar, a face mask and moisturizer when you go to the store: you can just buy honey. Because it has so many uses, one jar of honey will go a long way.

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