Growing up, I have always loved my family, more than anything. You know, my mom may not be my biological mom, but she's still my mother no matter what others try to tell me. I always get people asking me, "So if your adopted, is something wrong with you? To the point where you were given away?" Nope, It doesn't mean I'm unwanted, in my case, my birth mother was not fit to be a parent because she was a drug addict and alcoholic.
There's a lot that went on in my mind as a young child. I don't remember being told I was adopted, so I must have been told at a young age. I never really had a problem being adopted, but sometimes I would look at other families and just see more of a connection between the parents their kids.
To be honest, I really don't mind being adopted at all! Adoption is something unique and makes me special as a person. I had to learn to accept myself as a wonderful girl made in the Lord's image. actually, I was made perfect in his image.
Two years ago with my puppy named Coco. Talking to family and cuddling Coco!
When I was younger, sometimes I thought there really was something wrong with being adopted. My real mommy didn't want me. I just had to learn that we all are different, and that's OK. My back story may not be the same as everyone else, but I'm still amazing and worth so much more then anyone could bargain for.
You may ask, "Do you want to meet your birth parents when you grow up?" Honestly, I don't really. I have been through a lot as a child, and I've grown up with two amazing parents. To me, they are the same as my birth parents.
Being adopted is just something that makes you more unique. If you're adopted and are questioning your worth, trust me. You are perfect and amazing! Just ignore the negative thoughts, because you have been blessed with a new family. We were all put on this Earth for a reason. You have an amazing purpose for this world and are meant to live it out to your full potential!
I really think adoption is a gift. When I was in elementary school I got teased and bullied, for not having "real" parents. That bothered me so much and I started to feel so empty inside. I finally just decided to pray about it and I got through it with my faith. The negative opinions from other children was just not really something I needed in my life, so I learned to block it all out and to be around the people who accepted me for who I am. If people make you feel worthless ever for being adopted, think of this, the person who was teasing you about being adopted? Yeah, their parents are stuck with them. Yours chose you. That, my friend, is one of the best feelings out there
"Adopting one child won’t change the world: but for that child, the world will change." -Unknown
My brother Robbie and I who were both adopted from the same birth parents.