Dear High School Me,
I want to start off by saying this: you should be so proud of yourself, but I know you’ll be confused. Nothing in your life is really going like how you’re planning it to be, but let me be the first to tell you that it’s even better.
Right now, you’re planning on attending some big state school, probably the school you grew up knowing and admiring, Virginia Tech. Newsflash, you won’t go there. I know that now you want to be a third-grade teacher living in Virginia, but instead, you'll choose to become a journalist, hoping to move to California after graduation. You want to be involved in college, preferably in a choir or on a dance team, but you become involved in so much more (including the dance team).
You’re probably shocked to be reading all this, especially because it’s so different from your current plans. But let me tell you this, what you end up doing is so much better than what you could ever imagine.
You end up happier than you have been in years. You become involved in so many things that you truly love. You study what you truly want to study. You meet people who encourage you, love you, and support you. But most importantly, you grow up. You become a better version of yourself every day, striving towards your goals and learning to love yourself.
Everything that’s holding you back now won’t matter in a few years. You leave the past behind and you create a new life for yourself. You may think you know what is right for you, but I promise you, you don’t.
Getting out of NOVA and going to college in Farmville is exactly what you need. I know that’s hard to swallow and understand now, but soon you’ll realize why. Amazing opportunities, friendships, and a new life are waiting for you, and I promise you’ll love it so much. Everything that’s happening in high school won’t matter anymore. You’ll be free to start a new life on a clean slate, which is the best thing for you.
You may think you have it all planned out now, but you really don’t, and that’s perfectly fine. Sometimes life throws us curveballs and things change, but remember, everything happens for a reason. You’re about to go through some pretty rough times, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep working through it, and you will reach the other side. I promise, it’s worth it.
Your Future Self