With the ever-growing popularity of online dating sites among college students, comes the need to make our lives seem interesting, make ourselves seem desirable, and make our problems disappear. We want to appear as our best selves, but what would happen if everyone were truly honest in their dating profiles? I want to live in a world where things like "will stop talking to you after one date, no matter how great it is" are made apparent immediately, or where I can unapologetically be myself without the fear of not being accepted. The reality of dating me, is that you're dating my mental illnesses as well, so lets get to know them in a refreshingly honest dating profile.
About Me
Hannah - 19
I'm Hannah! A student at OSU and a writer for Odyssey. I may seem like a carefree cutie, but believe me, my life is a mess. If for some reason you decide you're interested in me, here's a brief introduction to some friends you're going to have to get to know.
About OCD
OCD, my first diagnosis, accompanies me everywhere I go. It may take me longer to walk places if there are a lot of cracks on the sidewalks, and I may start crying if i can't touch the doorknob with both hands.
About Anxiety
This next friend pops in from time to time, just to make sure I don't get too comfortable with you. I'll be paranoid and think you hate me, no matter how much you try to reassure me of your feelings.
About Depression
This one's a killer. Literally. Could land me in the hospital again (please visit us). Don't get jealous if depression keeps me in bed with it all day, I'm just overthinking everything I've ever said or done.
So that's me in an overcomplicated nutshell. If for any reason you feel compelled to message me, you must have low standards.
Looking at my life this way, I can't see why anyone would want to go out on a date with me. That's the problem with online dating. We expect people to be flawless, but that's not reality. Reality reality is flawed, reality is messy, reality is mental illness.