I"m straight, my family is straight, and some of my friends are not. I've been asked before, "Do you think your friend____ likes you?", or, "Wouldn't you be afraid___ is looking at you?" Not at all. Just because they are attracted to your gender, does not mean they are attracted to YOU personally.
I've noticed that a lot of gay people are only friends with gay people, and it's not because they're "trendy". Rather, it is because they don't feel isolated. As straight people, we are so quick to think that people will accuse us of being gay because we're friends with gay people. First off, being gay is not a negative thing. Just like you have a type, gay people have types, which does not usually include their friends.
Newsflash: if a gay person compliments you, they probably are not flirting with you. Not every person attracted to your gender is attracted to YOU. Accept the compliment, see the good in the person, and move on.
Your sexuality does not define you. To put it very simply, it's a preference in the bedroom, not a personality trait. If you feel as though you cannot connect with another person because they are interested in the same sex, then your thought patterns are problematic. You are not less of a man for being friends with a gay person. You are not a "wild" girl for being friends with a lesbian.
If you are a parent and your child is friends with a gay person, do not accuse them of being gay. If your straight daughter wants to have her friend who is a lesbian sleepover, welcome her to do so. It is not "like having a sleepover with a boy". Your daughter's friend obviously will not be attracted to her, because they are friends and nothing more. Your daughter's friend sees your daughter AS A FRIEND, and as a parent, you must understand that.
Your sexuality is not a choice, but the way you treat other people is. A person's sexual preference is truly none of your business and should have no impact on the relationship you have with them.