If you're anything like me then you've already begun to feel the stress of school work, and if you haven't then please delete my number, unfriend me on Facebook, and never talk to me again because you no longer can be trusted.
Things are in full swing here at The University of Michigan, and as I imagine they are at lots of others schools too. Club are moving past the Mass Meeting stage and getting into the real stuff, Girls are finishing up Rush, and the 3rd floor tables in the Ugli are becoming impossible to snag. The readings are already beginning to pile up and I don't even want to think about the essays that are due in two weeks.
Sometimes the overwhelming feelings from school can feel like to much to bear, that is until you find a hilarious meme while trolling through your Facebook timeline and burst into laughter. These memes remind you that its not just you that wants to drop out of school sometimes and live a life on a deserted island in the Caribbean (ugh, imagine the tan you would get).
So, while you're still trying to get in the swing of school and balancing a social life at the same time reflect on these funny school related memes and laugh. Laugh at the humor, laugh at yourself, and laugh about the fact that you probs don't have time to sleep tonight.
I mean honestly, how many times can I play off my Fun Fact being that my dog has two different color eyes?