Why Every Smart College Girl Should Avoid Tinder While She's Home For The Holidays | The Odyssey Online
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Hometown Tinder Is Every College Girl's Worst Nightmare When She's Home For The Holidays

It's full of all the boys who made fun of you in high school.

Hometown Tinder Is Every College Girl's Worst Nightmare When She's Home For The Holidays

Ah, the holidays. Three whole weeks where college students pack up their dorm necessities and return back home, to Christmas carols and grandma's famous fudge and some well-deserved rest. However, the holidays also come with quite a bit of extra spare time, and without your college friends three doors down, it can be hard to figure out what to do with yourself. This may lead to quite a few naps and Netflix binges, or if you're anything like me, swiping left and right on Tinder until you're completely out of people around you.

And while I'll whole-heartedly admit that I turn to Tinder over my holiday breaks to cure my boredom, I also know damn well that hometown Tinder is every single college girl's worst nightmare during the holidays. Here's why.

1. All of the boys who made you cry in high school are on it.

Remember when you had the biggest crush on Jake when you were sixteen and he made you cry at the homecoming dance when he wouldn't slow dance with you to "Someone Like You"?

No matter how hard you try to push that memory to the darkest parts of your mind, ten swipes on hometown Tinder will lead you to his picture on your iPhone. And while it may be fun to laugh at how he went from a 8 out of 10 in high school to a 6 out of 10 on a good day now, you don't want to be stuck contemplating whether or not you should swipe right on the boy who ruined your makeup on what should've been a good night.

2. And so are the awkward ones who you never really talked to.

Yeah, you always thought Aaron was cute, but you never struck up a conversation on the bus ride home. Now, you're stuck with a question that could go many ways: do you swipe right or not?

3. Most of the people you're swiping on will never leave your hometown.

Girl, you have goals. You were one of the few people who actually left your hometown and went off to school, and the last place you want to end up when you graduate is back in those hometown streets. Why in the world would you want to end up with someone who never plans on leaving?

Yeah, you may think it's "just Tinder," but truth is, you never know what could happen with the guys you talk to on there.

4. So. Many. Exes.

Your first crush from 5th grade, your senior prom date, your first kiss, the first guy who ever broke your heart...hometown Tinder is stacked FULL of so many of your exes in one place. If you choose to navigate hometown Tinder, well, good luck, sis.

5. You're going to end up doing something you regret.

Whether it's hooking up with a guy you've known since you were in diapers or getting back with your ex, hometown Tinder leads to nothing but bad decisions. Trust me on this.

6. You know people in your hometown run your mouth.

When you're away at school, the only time someone MIGHT talk about your Tinder is if some guy from work or one of your class recognizes you and thinks your bio is witty. When you're back home, however, your Tinder profile is going to be a featured screenshot and every "Saturdays are for the boys" group chat within a 15-mile radius. People are going to run their mouth about you even having a Tinder and they'll tear apart all your pictures and your bio. Yeah, it's shitty, but isn't that expected?

7. You're forced to lower your standards.

Let's be real for a second: the guys on hometown Tinder simply just aren't as cute as the boys you're swiping right on like crazy back at school. If you want a hometown hookup or even just someone to entertain you with conversation while you're bored binge-watching "Friends" for the fifth time, odds are you're going to have to lower your standards a bit.

8. One wrong swipe and you've ruined your holiday season.

Y'all, these are the holidays we're talking about. Three weeks to rest and recharge. Time to enjoy family and friends and the joy that comes with the holidays. You don't want to be stuck upset or annoyed or pissed at some rando and whatever they said to you on an app. Maybe, no matter how bored you get, it's best you let things settle for a bit and stay far away...

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