For many, there is nothing more comforting than one's hometown. A hometown to some is a safe haven, the ultimate comfort zone, pure bliss, happiness, and a place that holds countless precious memories. They are the places where we may have grown up, learned how to ride a bike, had our first kiss, or maybe suffered our first heartbreak. Familiar faces appear everywhere in hometowns – neighbors, parents, cousins, siblings, childhood friends, or even that familiar face you always bump into at the grocery store. Hometowns are where 'the known' lies before us. Certainly, there are people all over who do not plan on leaving the place where they've grown up, whether the leave is temporary or permanent. Some just want to stay within the place that they know best, surrounded by the familiarities of their lives, and truthfully don't wish for much more. However, there are also people who wish to expand their horizons, gain new experiences, see new things, meet new people, and just all around get lost, or maybe found, in all things unknown. Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary and sometimes nerve-racking, but how would someone ever know the outcome of doing so without ever taking the leap?
I think that people that haven't left their hometowns yet, or those who don't necessarily plan to, ought to really think about a future departure. If you don't like another location, you always have the option to come back. That's one fact that needs to be understood, that the option to come back to where you started is available. You don't have to necessarily go for good. Maybe you're a future college student who is skeptical about going away for school. Possibly you've gone to college in your hometown – maybe even college and grad school. Say you haven't had an incentive to leave, and try some place new. My questions for you are: what are you waiting for? What is stopping you? Who is stopping you? What isn't pushing you to see other parts of the country, or in another situation, some other parts of the world? If your fear of unfamiliarity is holding you back, get rid of it, and good riddance. You will never know what lies outside of the parameters of where you're most comfortable if you don't take action yourself. Motivate yourself. If you have the resources, the funds, the opportunity, a place to stay, or the right people in your life, there shouldn't be much else that holds you back. Of course, family comes first and is very important for many. The fear and sadness of leaving members of their family behind, so to speak, could be a cause of someone wanting to stay home. Having to say goodbye to a friend or several can be a very difficult task. However, I believe that if there are people in your life who want to hold you back, don't want you to grow, and aren't supportive in your decisions, then maybe those people shouldn't be a core part of your life. At the end of the day, the number one person you have is yourself. There isn't much good living a life of skepticism in my opinion, especially if you're young and healthy (though traveling does not have to be limited by age).
In a new city, a plethora of opportunities can come about. You could run into a person that could show you a whole other perspective of life. You're allowed to fall in love with new people and new surroundings without forgetting about your old ones. It's okay to get lost. Sometimes getting lost is the only way to find yourself. It's okay to try out a city you know nothing about. It's okay to leave your hometown and start fresh. Gaining a new perspective is especially important, but what's also important is self growth. Taking the right path or the wrong path, making mistakes and learning from them, or maybe doing something right and being proud of yourself. There is so much to find once you allow yourself to cross the threshold into a land of opportunity. Maybe after a while you decide that a new city isn't for you, and possibly decide to live in another, and that's fine. You could also decide that a new city isn't the right fit and go back to where you started, the place where you grew up – at least you tried. However, what if you fall completely in love with a different place? You could soon call this place your new home. Maybe you fall in love with this place, the sights, the people, and the memories made so much that you only wish to ever return to your hometown for a visit. Well, what if?
Take it upon yourself to not live a life of “what ifs,” and go for it. The only person that can make a big decision for you, is you. You will never know what you may discover in a place you've never been or in a place you've always wanted to go. Don't limit yourself by staying stuck inside a box you may know well when it could quite possibly be better to explore around a labyrinth. We're supposed to have multiple journeys throughout our existence. How much of a journey could you have if you decide to stay in one place?