Coming to college, I was so excited to get away from home, experience new things, and finally get my life started. I was warned about coming down with a case of homesickness, but I refused to believe I would let myself get to that point.
Well, as Thanksgiving time approaches, and fall officially starts to set in...I can officially say I miss home. Being 3 hours away from everything you're used to isn't easy! It was hard to see my peers who live in-state frequently visit home whenever they pleased. Many college students however, are not blessed with that luxury. My friends and family are constantly on my mind, and I wish I could just teleport back home.
Being homesick is a totally valid feeling, so don't feel bad if you feel this way too! There are many ways to cope with homesickness, so don't be afraid to try any of these approaches to get your mind off things.
1. Understand that homesickness is normal!
No, homesickness is not an actual disease! There is nothing wrong with you, and it is completely normal! Many people, whether they admit it or not, feel homesick at one point during their time at college. Once you realize that homesickness is a completely regular feeling, then you can work on getting over it.
2. Turn your campus into a home away from home.
Make friends! Get involved! I know saying it is different from actually doing it, but it never hurts to try. Especially for freshman, it can be rough to get into a routine that feels comfortable. It's difficult adjusting to all new surroundings with new people. My advice is to find people who have the same interests as you, and then join clubs/organizations that match up with your passions. In no time, the uneasiness will fade and campus will start to feel like home!
3. Stay connected with those back home.
Facetime was created for a reason! Whenever you are craving a little bit of home, I suggest picking up the phone and video chatting someone close to your heart. Whether it be your mom, dad, grandpa, cousin, boyfriend, or anyone, I promise seeing their face on a screen will instantly bring a smile to your face.
4. Distractions!!
Sometimes we just need something to take our mind off things. Distractions can help divert your mind from constantly thinking about distance. Some of my favorite distractions include reading, shopping, having a spa day, and going out with friends. Trust me, sitting in bed with your favorite pajamas on, with a cup of tea in one hand and a hardcover book in the other is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Or, my other favorite, getting dressed up with the squad and taking endless pictures before going out!
5. Stay positive!
It will get better! Homesickness is usually just temporary, don't let it get the best of you! Don't forget you are at school for a reason, and are bound to do great things! Your college career has amazing things in store, don't let homesickness consume you.
With all of these things in mind, the chances of you being homesick should be little to none. Of course, we all have our days, which is completely fine. Just remember some of these tips and it might go a long way.