I was homeschooled from 6th grade through my freshman year. Whenever my friends that weren't homeschooled would talk about homeschoolers they would say these main 5 things: that kids who are homeschooled are antisocial, conservative or Republican families, they think they're better than everyone else, you can't get into college from being homeschooled, and that a kid who's homeschooled isn't as smart as someone who goes to a public or private school. And I would explain why those things weren't true so here are the 5 main myths about homeschoolers.
1. Homeschooled kids are antisocial.Â
Loui Wenig
This is not true at all. My friends who were homeschooled their whole lives are some of the most social people around. I mean sure, some kids are more quiet and shy but most of the people that were in my homeschool group are very social people.
2. Most families that homeschool their kids are Conservatives.Â
Kendra DeJager
Now I totally understand why someone would think this but it just isn't true. I would say that it's about 50/50 from all the people I've met and there's a lot. I don't think that most people realize just how many kids are homeschooled and saying that most of those families are Republican or Conservative is bold.
3. Homeschoolers think that they're better than kids who go to public or private schools.Â
Maggie Halper
This just isn't true and I have to laugh every time someone says this to me. Homeschooled kids are just like all the other kids out there. Just like kids that go to school from kindergarten on, homeschoolers usually aren't given the choice whether or not to be homeschooled- it's the parents' decision and they're just living their lives just like the kids that go to school.
4. It's harder to get into college being homeschooled.Â
Maggie Halper
Now this is hard to answer. I know of a few people in my homeschool group that went to college and are doing just fine in life. The thing is that being homeschooled is a lot of self motivation, mostly when you get to high school, so if you don't apply yourself then it's going to be harder to get into a college.
5. A homeschooler isn't as smart as someone who goes to school.Â
Kendra DeJager
This also isn't true. I have a friend who was homeschooled through sophomore year and she went to school and was in the front half of her class when she graduated. I also went to back to a high school after freshman year and I would say that my studies were average.
I've made some of the best memories being with my homeschooled friends and you would never think that they're homeschooled by the stereotypes people give them. They're truly some of the most amazing people I've ever met!