Halloween is right around the corner and everyone is starting to get their costumes all together. Every year you can always suspect you're going to see the typical nerds, pirates, school teacher, cats, angels, zombies and more. Then there are the newer costumes like Katniss from "The Hunger Games", a wizard from Harry Potter and the superheroes from "The Avengers". The best part of Halloween is seeing all the creative costumes and all the fun to be had. Here are some costumes that are aren't the typical ensemble, but are still cute and recognizable:
1. Russell from "Up"
Being Russel for Halloween is probably one of the cutest and easiest costume. All you need is the yellow hat, yelow shirt and brown shorts (or leggings if it's cold). Than the sash which you can make yourself with felt and super glue.
2. Mario and Luigi
Everyone knows the Mario and Luigi characters, and you can make this costume basically however you want depending on personal style. You just simply need the shirt, hat and mustache, and then for the bottoms you can do either pants, shorts or a tu-tu.
3. Zenon
This one might take a little more time than the ones above just because trying to find leggings and shirt that match almost perfectly might be hard. But after you accomplish this task, you just need a bright vest and silver skirt. This costume will absolutely ensure a stellar time.
4. Mobile Apps
This one is definitely becoming more popular in the Halloween scene. Again, this one has a lot of different options of how you want to dress. You can do it as above with longer shirts, you can do tank tops and tu-tus. You could even do it as a box with the app logo on it.
5. Woody and Buzz Lightyear
Woody and Buzz Lightyear can be a couple costume like above or you can go as either of them individually. Let's start with Woody; you definitely will need the yellow shirt and vest. Then for the pants, it can be shorts or longer pants depending on what your preference is. For Buzz, you need the white top and leggings with the green vest. On the bottom of the shoes you cannot forget to put Andy's name to complete the whole get-up.
6. Angelica Pickles
Happy Halloween!