Homelessness is one of the biggest problems in the world, and the U.S. government should focus more on homelessness. The government should especially focus on homeless children because children are the new generation to take care of the world. The government should open more homeless shelters and they should also open more public schools for homeless children, where normal and homeless children have equal opportunity.
According to First Focus, children living in poverty confront a host of challenges outside of the classroom that their wealthier peers do not. For example these children are less likely to attend Pre-K, and often have unstable housing and lack of school supplies. Though free and reduced priced meals and SNAP both help, they have lack of adequate nutrition.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015 was a great act which helps so many children. This act gives every child an equal rights and opportunity but I believe that this is not enough. There are certain children who need more help than other like homeless children.
In the U.S. there are certain schools that make every student pay for clubs or activities. The students who are homeless cannot afford it. Therefore, students who are homeless don't get a chance to experience something new like non-homeless children can.
Homeless students also have a hard time doing their homework at home when they don't have connection to internet. For example, this one unknown boy is 16 and he lived in 10 different places. His family is homeless and they moved from place to place. He goes to school but he has so many problems and one of the problems is that he is homeless. His family moved from place to place and he doesn't have internet connection where he can do his school project and homework. Because of the problems like this with homeless students, I believe that school s should do something about that issue. For example, schools can give these students extra help so they can be on the same page as the other student in class. Homeless children need extra help because they already have problems outside of school like finding place to sleep and what to eat.
I also believe that the government should step in and do something too. One thing that the government can do is build more shelters for these kids, so the homeless students don't have to worry about what to eat or where to sleep. Another thing that the government can do is open a club in school where these peers can get extra help and share their problems with other peers who have similar stories or problems.