Writing an article about this topic does seem to be weird but I think it all makes complete sense. Now, why in the world would you expect to get inspired by a homeless person on the street? Think about it, it’s a great question. Some of you might already have an answer for me and I know what your answer is. Not don’t worry I am not a mind reader that can read your mind and find your answer and you do not need to be afraid of me. But I am pretty sure that the most common heard answer would be, “I think a homeless person on the street would inspire me because his life is so hard but he is still not giving and still working hard to make his life better!” I think that you are absolutely right giving this answer but the reason why this particular homeless person inspired me is not the same at all. Here’s what happened……
About five weeks ago, I was volunteering at this even which was a cycling race in Downtown Waukesha and I was volunteering as a course marshal there. After completing my volunteering time, I called up my dad to come and pick me up and he wanted me to come back to the place he dropped me. So, I started walking towards that place and while I was going pass this sidewalk I saw this homeless person sitting at the side of it. I did not really pay attention towards him and then he looked at me and I looked at him. I was thinking that he was going to say something to me and maybe ask for money or something. He did say something but he did not ask me for money or anything else. All he said was and I’ll quote him on this one, “We are all Americans aren’t we brother, we all gotta stick together and help each other!”
That one thing that he said inspired me so much because of the current conditions of our society and our world. It doesn’t matter if I am American or Indian or Asian or African or anybody else, we all still have to stick together because at the end of the day you are a human being and I am a human being and it is the most prestigious form of life that you can ever have. This is the thing that we are forgetting right now. We all are humans, and if we don’t stick together, we are destroying our world. It is not helping it in any way possible. Skin color does not determine anything about a person. If we continue to live on this concept, then one day we all shall face our end. I know that this statement is actually true whether you live on this concept or not because end will come. But we can either create this end for ourselves or let it come naturally, the only difference is that if we create it ourselves then we just created an end to finish ourselves because we were the ones who were so selfish. And that does not make any sense to me.
I know this article might just be the most casual writing that you might have ever seen but I think it is necessary to write it in a casual way to express all my feelings. Please! Please! Think about this!