Going home for Thanksgiving break is typically a good experience. There is nothing college students need more than a home cooked meal, the comfort of their own bed, and a nice barefoot shower before the stress of finals week hits. However, this break certainly does not come without it's caveats. The biggest one of course being, running into all the ghosts from your past. And if you tend to be as dramatic as I am, there is no person better to sum up your emotions than Carrie Bradshaw.
Catching up with all your high school friends that you haven't seen since summer
Before reality sets in that you're going to have to see the people you also definitely didn't miss
And you have nothing to wear for it because all your clothes are at college
When you're forced to catch up with someone you didn't want to do so with
And you make the decision to go to the reunion party
But it's all worth it in the end for that turkey
While you're probably going to run into some people you weren't planning on seeing ever again, it's all worth it for the experience of being home for the holiday. And if nothing else, you surely can get some laughs out of it.