While at school, you begin to realize many things that you had never even thought about before. Some of these are things you took for granted while you lived at home, but once you go away to school... well, you forget how good it is to be home. Now that summer is here:
1. You get a home-cooked meal most of the time, and not mystery meat that the dining hall gives you.
2. You don't have to worry about the fire alarm going off while you're in the shower.
3. Chances of you going to bed hungry are slim to none.
4. You no longer have to sit in a cinder block room that becomes your sleeping area, eating area and couch.
5. The microwave is not crusted with remnants of other people's mac and cheese, ramen noodles or science experiments.
6. When using the washer and dryer, you no longer have to worry about people stealing, throwing or ruining your clothing.
7. There will be more to your day than checking emails 24/7.
8. You won't wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of people screaming down the hallway.
9. The chance of the fire alarm going off at ungodly hours is slim.
10. You no longer have to run to find a table that will fit you and all of your friends in the dining hall during the busiest lunch and dinner times.
We must remember that at home we are lucky, and don't have to worry about any of these things -- until we have to go back to school, that is. Happy summer!