9 Home Remedies for Foot Odor That Are Shockingly Effective
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9 Home Remedies for Foot Odor That Are Shockingly Effective

Get rid of your stinky feet odor once and for all.

9 Home Remedies for Foot Odor That Are Shockingly Effective

We've all been there, come home from a long day of work, take off our shoes and lay on the couch only to stink up the whole room with bad foot odor. This may not be a problem for you if you're single and live alone, but those living with their significant other or family members, this can be rather embarrassing. So if you are constantly struggling with stinky feet, follow our easy natural remedies to get rid of the smell once and for all.

1. Make a black tea foot bath

Strong black tea contains tannic acids which are great for killing odor-causing bacteria. It also closes pores which will make your feet sweat less. Simply boil two tea bags in two glasses of water for 15 minutes. Once you remove the bags, dilute the water by adding two more quarts. Allow to cool and soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes. Repeat once a day until the odor is gone.

2. Give antibiotic ointment a try

Sweat doesn't smell on its own. It begins to stink when it interacts with bacteria. But how do you kill these bacteria? Before hitting the bed, rub a thin coating of antibacterial ointments such as Neosporin on your feet and nails. When you wake up, the bacteria will be gone along with your smell problems.

3. Use a fragrant foot rub

Lavender oil doesn't just smell good, it's also great at helping kill bacteria. Apply a couple of drops on your feet and massage it in prior to going to sleep. For maximum effect, cover your feet with socks.

4. Zing it with zinc

Some experts claim that you can get rid of foot odor by adding zinc into your diet. The best sources of this mineral include beef, seafood, oatmeal, spinach, mushrooms, beans, fortified breakfast cereals, cashews, and almonds. Dark chocolate is another great source of zinc.

5. Kill the odor with vinegar

Make a solution of a ⅓ cup of apple cider vinegar and a foot basin filled with cool or warm water. The vinegar contains acid that will kill the odor and bacteria when you soak your feet in this mixture.

6. Sprinkle on some starch

A great way to keep your feet feeling fresh is by using cornstarch since it's great at absorbing sweat. Dust some starch on your feet right before you put on socks. You can also use baking soda instead which will not only kill bacteria but toenail fungus as well.

7. Make a minty scrub

A minty scrub for your feet is a good way to make them smell wonderful. Peppermint deodorizes and cools the skin, while sugar helps to remove dead skin cells. To make this scrub, mix 1 tablespoon of cornmeal, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, and 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint in a bowl. Add juice of one lemon, 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt, and 5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix this into a grainy paste and massage into your feet.

8. Salt your dogs

Epsom salt can kill bacteria and reduce sweating. Fill 1 to 2 gallons of warm water in a basin or bucket and mix in 2 cups of Epsom salts. Soak your feet for 15 minutes, twice a day.

9. Create a refreshing deodorizing spray

Place 2 tablespoons of dried sage into 4 ounces of boiling water. Sage has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help reduce bad smells. Cover and allow to steep for 15 minutes, then strain and cool. Add 10 drops lavender essential oil and 4 tablespoons witch hazel to the water and sage mixture. Pour all of this into a spray bottle and refrigerate. You can spray this on feet after bathing or anytime you wish to kill the odor, make sure to shake well before use.

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