The thing about growing up is you’re always ready to, until it actually happens. In elementary school we couldn’t wait for recess… middle school we couldn’t wait to get to high school so we could drive or do things without mom and dads help. 18 years old and about two months away from moving out and onto college, where we’ll start to live in the “real world”.
There’s football games in college but there’s no such thing as Friday Night Lights where you tail gate an hour before they even open the gates to let the students proceed into the student section. There’s no such thing as losing your voice and not being able to speak on a Monday morning even though it was Friday night that you spent all night cheering on your varsity girls basketball game with super fans who dress up as super hero’s.
In college there’s sports to play… but you aren’t on the team unless you’re actually assigned. In high school you can’t be broken from not making the team because in college there’s a dance team not a dance tech.
You won’t ever sit by that one kid who you got along with in math class, because you didn’t have anyone else to talk to or you’d be pretty lonely for the rest of the quarter.
There’s parties in college … however in high school everyone makes it home some how safe and sound without a bone broke and without a heart broke. In high school you have mom and dad on you about coming home at curfew and to keep yourself in line and college is where you find yourself on the curved path lead to either A or B corse.
In college it’s all out there. In high school you’re much larger than the freshmen that you seem to stand next to in the hall on your way to B124. In college you’re much smaller compared to the D1 Hockey player you run into at a party.
Even though for some it's been the worst four years, we can all agree that high school is bittersweet. Bitter when you start to slack because you’re classes don’t matter and it’s to hard to keep everything in line with your GPA, keeping your scholarships and keep grades up to please your parents.
Sweet when it comes down to the wire of, remembering you’ll never see that one girl at your study hall table in which you would crack jokes with to pass the time, you’ll never see that one teacher again because you’re moving a couple hundred miles away from your hometown.
Remember you’ll see those friends who you could never forget maybe once a year if they remember to meet up with you while during breaks.
Remember you’ll miss those long rehearsals after school even when you were exhausted and had homework that you never got to.You’ll miss the hard practices when its to cold to go outside, you’ll miss seeing your teammates in the locker room, you’ll miss the hudles before going into break and tie the winnings. You’ll miss your siblings even though in a million years you’ll never admit that to them.
It’s a mix of nerves… you’re scared but also ready to head out by yourself for the first real time. Stressed but calm you’re ready… but do you have everything set up and ready. We all spend so much time thinking about how do we grow up faster…. and it comes…. and it sucks….
You’re first heart break seems like forever ago and its when probably when that cute boy who you sat next to in 3rd grade wouldn’t share his crayola crayon sharper in the back of the box with you.
You’re first fight with your best friend was probably in middle school and it felt like you’re world was crashing down because you had no one else around you who could connect to you like they could. Your first boyfriend that everyone talked about, like it was the first time. The first time you had your first kiss… and how it felt like you had to puke.
Years go by…. your 18… two years ago you were 16… where did that time go….
From day one to elementary, to middle school, my first day of high school to my last…. onedoor closes so another can open. For me personally I wouldn't have wanted to be anything other then home to the lightning.