I recently have been coming home for dress fittings, family obligations, and most recently, to visit my High School for Homecoming. As I went and parked in my old parking spot I realized how much I changed in the past two years. The little things I worried about back then really do not matter much now.
For example: Homecoming was a big deal. If the seniors lost to the freshman it was embarrassing and sad, but now I laugh. If you look at the bigger picture, what happens in High School doesn't compare to the reality of the real world. Now I'm not saying I have truly entered the "real" world since I am only a sophomore in college, but I am one step closer to adulthood.
Going home makes me realize how much I have grown as a person. Before going to college I didn't make doctor's appointments or worry over how I am going to get my food. Now, if something happens to me at school, I am the one that has to deal with it. I do not have my parents with me to guide me along the way or call me out sick to school. If I miss a class, I am the one that has to make it up. When I do get to go home for a few days I get to remember what it is like to be dependent. I get to indulge and sleep in my not-twin-size-bed and I get to play with my huge dog, Ben, who is the main reason why I go home. I know some may get slack for going home but it truly does make you grateful for what you have and the person you are becoming in college. Family is truly everything and going to college and being away from them makes you reflect on all the little things you miss. College has taught me a lot but most importantly it taught me to love the family I have even more and never take the time you have with them for granted.
(Here is a picture of my giant, fluffy bear Ben! Now you all can see why I go Home!!!)