Since it is fall break for us college students I thought this week I would talk about something very close to me: Home. Some would say home is where the heart is, while others would say that it is wherever you may roam. To me, home has always been a loving, warm environment. As the holiday seasons approach on all of us, anxiety and depression creep through the cracks of our lives.
How does one deal with the never ending battery of "How are classes? What is your major again? Do you know what you want to do post graduation?" Or my PERSONAL favorite,"Are you dating?" Or even better,"So do you like boys or girls?"I know that you are my family and I love you but as a person with high general anxiety and social paired with minor depression, those questions send people like me through the roof.
One of the most recent examples is my family went out to dinner and after spending all day with a relative. All I wanted to do was escape. There are many ways to move away from the family events even if you can not physically get away.
We all know family can be taxing on the soul so why not feed into the stereotypical millennial of being on your phone all the time?
Another taxing part of being at home with anxiety and depression coexisting with an eating disorder is that many family events revolve around food... one thing all revcoveries and soon to be recoveries must remember is that food is not the bad guy (that would be the dark side).
Eating disorders are never a fun topic and even though I have told many faceless people on the internet that I struggle with my mental heath, it is never ever easy to talk about it when you are put face to face with someone.
Another one of my favorite things to do to get away from the stressful family is to hang out with the little ones... they are so precious and do not ask you anxiety inducing questions, they are just ask like what barbie or car you want to be. Picking between a toy is a hell of a lot easier than picking what path will set your whole life in motion.
Lastly, there is one method that I do not recommend using on a regular basis because you might be labeled the Alcoholic of the family (but hey if your twenty-one why not have a glass of wine with conversation... or a few shots.... who's really counting?)