Tomorrow, we leave the house I grew up in. I have never lived in a different house in my entire life. While I am so happy to be moving on to a bigger and better place to call home, I still can't help but tear up when I think of all my memories in the home we are leaving behind. Moving is weird because part of you knows once you move everything out, it won't feel like home anymore, and even though that should be comforting, it only hurts more. I don't want my home to sit empty. I don't want anyone else living in my home. But the time has come to move on and make new memories in a beautiful new house.
I remember sitting on the stairs, pretending I was in a college lecture hall. I remember performing surgery and my babydolls. I remember jumping on the trampoline with my brother. I remember sitting on the landing by the window reading books with my sister. I remember when I had my best friend over for the first time and she heard the fire siren and it scared her. I remember coming home to my dogs waiting for me in the foyer. I remember Christmas morning, when I would peak down the stairs at all the presents and my mom would tell me to go back upstairs until they had their coffee. I remember swimming in the pool with my dad and looking up at the stars and naming them after different family members (shout out to Magstar).
My home holds so many beautiful memories, that it's hard to say goodbye. It's hard to think that I will never set foot on those stairs again. It's hard to know that instead of driving straight on the highway, I'm gonna be turning right. But I know that it's for the better, and even though it hurts, it's what my family needs. I keep reminding myself that everybody moves. I keep reminding myself that this house may never truly be my home, but that this house will be the house my children know as grandpa's and grandma's home. My childhood memories may be rooted in my old house, but there are so many new memories to be made in the new house. My old house may be filled with memories of dolls and video games and sleepovers, but my new house will one day be filled with memories of my wedding, my children playing, and my parents looking at all they have in life and knowing they made all the right decisions. So even though leaving my home for the past 20 years hurts, I know it's right, and I know once I see my parents happily sitting on their new screened in porch, it won't hurt anymore. So to my parents, tomorrow is going to be hard, and I'll probably cry, but know that I am so proud of you guys for deciding to move and I am so happy we have our beautiful new home to fill with memories.