It's that time of year again: December 1st isn't just the first day of a month, it's Christmas. No one can tell me that it's just December 1st, it's officially the month of Christmas. The best day of the year. Christmas music, Christmas-light-viewing drives, reindeer antlers on cars, and Christmas trees put up in every living room window. It's the season of giving and spending all your money on other people's gifts, because what's more fun than that?
Christmas in a college town isn't half as exciting as it is in your parents' house, where the moment you walk in and it's warm, smells like pine trees, and there's a fake fire roaring on your TV screen (okay, maybe that's just my house). In a college town, you see lots of ugly sweaters, Indiana University Christmas sweaters, and a lot of slutty elf posts on social media, but I'm not complaining. As long as I listen to an occasional holiday song and see some Christmas lights, I'm happy.
The holiday season, also known as #HolidaySzn, comes with the looming shadow of cuffing season. It's getting colder in Indiana and it's time to find a cuddle buddy. That's a little stressful, though. How are we supposed to ace our final exams, dress cute for the cold weather, and find a guy to keep us warm for the winter? My advice? Buy a heated blanket in case of emergency and keep a flask of peppermint flavored vodka in your purse at all times to warm your insides while you're up all night studying. A dog to keep you company is suggested, as well.
This time of year also makes you think about the past and how much more exciting Christmas was when you were younger. To me, it's kind of like watching old episodes of Hannah Montana. It seemed so much better when you were in middle school drooling over her double life, but now when you watch it, all you see is bad acting and young kids living an adult life on television. Believing in Santa Clause made the gifts more exciting, but now that we're older, we don't expect things anymore. We just appreciate going home, getting a break from school, and not having to do anything for a whole month, essentially.
So to everyone out there struggling to get through these last two weeks at school, just remember: Christmas and homemade meals are right around the corner, kids. Now go and ace those finals.