A home daycare and a public daycare are two extremely different types of daycare. A home day care is a more close together atmosphere, rather than a public day care where people are not so close.
I went to a home day care and I found that the atmosphere is more homey and friendly. I knew all of the children in the day care and I was closer to the daycare owner. A home day care was less stressful because I didn’t have to make a lot of friends if I didn’t want to and I could get more attention from the owners with fewer people in with a home day care.
Even though I went to a home day care and I loved it there are always pros and cons. Some of the pros for a home daycare are: home- like environment, mixed age groups allowing for more sibling interaction, better teacher child ratio since there are fewer children than teacher and caregiver usually become one of the family. That is exactly what happened to my family, the daycare owner became a part of our family.
Some cons to being in a home day care are: possibly less educated teachers and less educationally enriched curriculum, possibly more exposure to television time and sole caregiver with little supervision, so the trust is essential. I can agree that there is less supervision because my daycare only had two people working, although I don’t agree with the more television time. When I was in home day care we hardly ever watched television.
I don’t know much about public daycare to be honest, but I know there are also pros and cons to being a part of one.
Some pros of a public daycare are: potentially better educated/trained care givers but not always, more structured schedule and school-like environment. More likely to have a better enriched curriculum that will encourage literacy, language development social and emotional for kindergartners, and better secured entrance and there could be in-class video cameras for surveillance. When I went to daycare there was a structured learning time and area where on of the daycare helpers taught us the alphabet, how to count and how to read.
There are also cons on going to a public daycare such as: different people caring for your child due to shifts and high staff turn overs, your child is less likely to form a deep bond with the caregivers and higher tuition rates. Unlike the others I agree with all of the cons for going to a public daycare.
After reading about the good and the bad about both kinds of the daycares I’m glad my parents chose a home daycare for me because I got to form a closer bond with all of the children and the daycare owners. I like the idea of a home daycare. Although going to a public daycare is also a good way to go for a child because they can get more education out of it, instead of just playing with toys and other kids all day.