It's that time of year again where college students move home for the summer. Some people are so excited they can't stand it while others dread it so much. I personally find myself somewhere in between. Don't get me wrong - I love my family and miss them dearly when I'm at Marshall, but I've made so many new friends and had such a fun semester I wasn't ready to come home.
This semester was very stressful since I was writing for the paper, writing for the Odyssey, working on photography and filmmaking. I barely had free time. Any time I had, I was spending with the people I care about at Marshall. Now that I'm home there's nothing for me to do. I'm going to work this summer, but I'm too used to a chaotic schedule of always going and never slowing down (except to nap every now and then or all the time).
Now I'm here in a small town with my family and people from high school that I don't talk to or haven't talked to in two years. Being home is very lonely because I can't always go see them and spend time with them. There is nothing for me to do here besides go to work and sit at home. There are some things I miss about being home, but I have grown so much as a person that home is different now. I remember being so excited to come home for Christmas break, but now I don't quite have the same enthusiasm.
There are benefits to coming home. I get to see my parents and visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The home cooked food is also a big plus. I cannot tell you how much I missed my mother and grandmothers cooking. I only have to share a bathrooom with my sister. I get to visit the animals here and relax for a bit as well.
I can't decide how I really feel about being home. I love it, of course, because the people I love are here. Huntington has also become my home. I spend most of the year at Marshall because I live in the dorms. There are people I never get to see, but now that I'm here to see them I know there will be many people I left behind at college. Of course, I'll see my college friends when school begins again. Even though I've just gotten home,, I'm excited to go back to Marshall. Like it is said - if you don't miss campus when you leave, then you didn't choose the right college. I am confident that Marshall is my home. I miss campus, my room, my friends, and I even miss some of my professors. I love Marshall University, my new home away from home. I hope wherever you end up for college or wherever you are, you love your news home as much as I love mine. Have an amazing summer. GO HERD.