This past May, I interviewed for a position as brand representative at Hollister. As many teenage girls/guys are interested in working part-time jobs at retail stores like Hollister, I thought I'd share with you guys the questions asked during my interview, as well as my overall experience!
For the interview, the store manager and I sat on a bench in a quiet corner of the mall, a little ways away from the store. One thing to keep in mind is that you can take all the time you need to think about a good, complete answer to the questions posed. Don't feel compelled or pressured to rush into answering the question. The store manager made it clear to me that I could- and should- take time to think before answering. Also, the interview is a chance for you to ask any questions you may have about the position, work attire, hours, wages, etc. Any questions you have for the store manager, don't hesitate to ask!
Questions Asked
Ice breakers
1) Introduce yourself!
2) What is your favorite animal?
The Real Questions
1) Describe an experience or experiences of being outgoing in front of a lot of people.
2) What do you feel is your biggest life’s accomplishment?
3) Describe a situation in which you've interacted with diverse group of people.
4) Scenario: a customer comes up to you asking for recommendations for clothes. How do you respond?
General Thoughts
All in all, I thought the interview was a pretty low-key experience. This was my first job interview EVER, so I was admittedly a little bit nervous, as I did not know what to expect. Usually, Hollister interviews are conducted in group settings, with a few other applicants applying for the same position. I was the only applicant the day I interviewed, however, so it was just me and the store manager.
Interview Appearance
So what should you wear to the Hollister interview? Pretty much any outfit that is in line with the Hollister style- that is, not too many bright colors, I wore a thin flowy-sleeved white blouse, blue boot cut jeans, tan-colored Toms wedges, and a matching tan satchel purse. My hairdo was pretty interesting- the day I interviewed was actually the day of senior prom, so right before my interview at 1:00 pm, I had my hair all curled and dolled up for that night. I explained the situation to the store manager, who was completely cool with it. I don't think I wore ANY makeup to the interview, but you can never go wrong with foundation, light eyeshadow and mascara. I don't encourage the heavy eyeliner and bright lipstick look, since Hollister espouses natural beauty (think SoCal beach scene). In short, you want your appearance to be as close to that of a Hollister employee, since it is important for the manager to envision you working for the store.
I was fortunate to have gotten the job, but please note that if you do not get it, it doesn't mean you are not beautiful, competent, or worthy. There are a whole host of reasons why the manager may not choose you for the position- competitive position, not enough job experience, etc.- so don’t look into the rejection too seriously! I highly encourage you guys to go out prospecting and looking for part-time jobs this summer, particularly in retail. It is an eye-opening humbling experience. Don't let the anticipation of not getting the job hinder you from seeking out the experience of interviewing and working!