Feliz Navidad plays for the tenth time, the aroma of tamales fill the kitchen, the kids are opening presents at midnight. Welcome to a Christmas in the Hispanic home.
As a Mexican woman, I can say that my Christmases are a little different than those you see on TV. A Christmas Story? Nothing like that. My mom would've got the chancla out before I even thought of sticking my tongue to a frozen light pole.
My Christmas goes a little something like this:
Either the 23rd or Christmas Eve my mom and I go to town in the kitchen. Masa, corn husks, meat, chile, everything is laid out on the counter to make God's holy creation: tamales. Now, this is no easy task. Making such a delicious meal requires pushing up shirt sleeves and wiping sweat off your brow. Always prepare to have sore hands after doing such repetitious actions for several hours. Although it seems like a 9-5 job, the end result is always worth the tamales that last us for a week after the holiday is over. Tamales for breakfast, tamales for lunch, tamales for dinner, tamales for a midnight snack. Oh and can't forget, pozole for dinner Christmas Eve! (You may be thinking: what about a fancy turkey dinner? No, not in this house.)
Present time
(Disclaimer: now that I'm older, everyone values their sleep and opens their presents the morning of Christmas. Trust me though, growing up this was the thing to do.) In my house, everyone stays up Christmas Eve (Nochebuena), waiting for the clock to strike 12 so that we can tear into the gifts.
Hot Chocolate
Chocolate Caliente, the hot chocolate of the Hispanic world created with Abuela's. If you know, you know. We also drink a traditional Mexican drink called champurrado, thick and chocolate-based your taste buds will thank you. It will instantly warm you up on a chilly winter night.
You're more likely to find my family celebrating Christmas Eve and use Christmas as a relaxing, family gathered day. Plenty of my family in California do the same thing. One thing we do have in common is being festive, having quality family time and gorging into delicious food to gain a pound or two. From me to you, Feliz Navidad. Merry Christmas.