Everyone has those moments with their families where they just want to rip their hair out. A great example of this comes from my own family. At my house we are not allowed to talk about politics without a lot of yelling and the casual smacking of people by my grandma, hence the commencement of "slapsgiving." These are the times of year that we looks forward to going home and taking a break from school. Time to just relax and catch up with family, but as the days go on family feels a little more clingy then usual.
Some of the traditions in my house can be kind of strange. Thanksgiving is spent at our house while Christmas Eve is at my Aunt's. During Thanksgiving we serve turkey, but unlike most other family traditions we smoke and serve brisket as well. As we sit around the table we load our plates we catch up about school and things in our lives is when the games start. My family is very VERY competitive and every year the game is different. Each time we pick a new game we learn something new about each other. When it comes to uno we learn who is strategic and knows how to hold a poker face. The game of things shows us who has the best and worst handwriting. Fibbage shows who the best liar is while cards against humanity shows who the dirtiest is . This years game is cards against humanity so it is going to be interesting. This is then upside of the holidays.
When there is an upside there is usually a downside as well. I feel like this comes from how the way my extended family acts affects my immediate family. It may not be same for every family but when it comes to mine it seems the holidays bring out the crazy in them and the only thing to do it seems is to not kill each other. when big families come about there is usually fighting, different opinions, and yelling. plenty of loud, almost illegible yelling. It seems the only way to avoid it is to hide from them. Sometimes though it just takes one little joke to break the tension and bring everything back from the edge of a fight.
I love my family and the holidays are my favorite time of the year. It can be hectic and crazy and sometimes a little frustrating. so can everyone around the table all talking at once but they are family. Nothing can keep a family together or tear a family apart (only briefly) than the holidays. Family is the key to sanity, memories, and happiness. Family doesn't mean blood, or amount of time, or being involved. Family is love it is togetherness, and it is being there when someone needs you. I know that blood or not my family will always be there for me and I hope they know I will always be there for them.