With finals fast approaching, I've been noticing that I've been practically glued to my computer, hunched over, frantically typing some paper or assignment that is due in just a few days. This is inevitable, at least until mid-December, when we get the sweet relief of stepping out of that last exam and driving home to a six-week-long winter break!
Over that nap-filled and Netflix-bingeing break, it's important to take some time and relax without so much screen time. Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are great, but maybe take a few hours per day with the phone off and live unplugged.
The best part of social media is that it enables us to live in a virtual present where the quiet doesn't seem so...well, quiet. I love to check in on my friends across the world and stay in touch with people who don't live near me as much as the next person. But what is even more important is to take a break once in a while and either spend the time with those around you or yourself.
It's important to take some time and meditate, read, listen to music or just sit and relax. Your brain is used to the hectic stress of college, and it will thank you for giving it a break. After spending months in what is basically a live-in slumber party, it's not wrong to take a little bit of a breather.
I've written before about the importance of getting to know yourself, but I still stick to that. It's essential that you listen to yourself and give yourself some recovery time. As dramatic as it sounds, you've come back from a hard-fought battle, and there is no shame in a few lazy days and doing what you really enjoy.
But also take time to do what is best for you: brave the snow and go outside, cook a meal with your parents, play with your pets, or spend time with yourself, curled up and reading a book with a mug of tea. Just because it is a cliché doesn't mean that it isn't a great practice of self-care.
Take the challenge this winter to spend a day each week with minimal technology, and you'll come back to the second half of your school year more rested, more focused and more excited to see everyone you missed so much while you were away from your home away from home.