*Insert Game of Thrones theme song*
Like Winter, holiday travel is coming. Whether you're going by train, planes, or automobiles, December is the busiest travel time of the year.
1. Saying goodbye to your friends
2. When you finally reach your car
A moment that magical moment that you have you since you came back from Thanksgiving break.
3. Realizing that you need snacks for the ride
4. Finally hitting the road....
5. .... But hitting traffic immediately after getting on the interstate
6. Trying to get through the traffic
7. The feelings you get after hours of traffic and that one car tries to cut you off
8. That feeling you have when you've reached the half-way point in your trip
9. When you realize how close to you are to your house
10. When you finally get into town but you hit all the stoplights
11. But it is all worth it because you finally get to enjoy home for the long break
If you watch Game of Thrones you get that ;)