Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a season of fun festivities, traditions and a chance to give to others. It’s hard not to love the atmosphere of the holidays. One popular way to celebrate the holiday is to throw themed parties. Whether the theme is holiday cocktail, cozy Christmas or Christmas sweaters, themed holiday parties can do no wrong! They are a fun way to join together with all your friends and family to celebrate the joyful season.
In hopes to help prepare you for the season, here are 10 ugly Christmas sweater ideas to help you prepare for your next Christmas party!
1. Star Wars
It’s no question that Star Wars is a favorite for many people. This Christmas take your love for the galaxy far far away to a whole new level with a Star Wars themed sweater!
2. Home Alone: Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal
Nothing says Christmas like a classic Christmas movie reference. The Home Alone series is near and dear to many who love Christmas so what better way than to wear the infamous quote on your shirt while you celebrate!
3. Single Bells
Calling all single people! Are you lonely this holiday season? Are you desperate for love and attention? Well, this sweater can help you find your one true love for the night... or forever!
4. Fragile: A Christmas Story
Can’t find the replica of the infamous Christmas bunny suit Ralphie wore on Christmas day? Well, here’s the next best thing: the infamous lamp leg.
5. Harry Potter
Are you a die-hard Potter-head? Have you ever wished you could experience a Hogwarts Christmas the Harry and the Weasley bunch? Well, this sweater will help you get one step closer to feeling like you have.
6. For Women: A Gift
Nothing says Christmas like a wrapped present. If you’re struggling to find a sweater to wear for the holidays, grab some ribbon, a pair of scissors, tape and make your very one DIY sweater!
7. Frat Bro: T-Shirt Pong
Another DIY opportunity for this holiday season is for those attending a college-themed party. Simply use solo cups to create a Christmas tree design on your sweater and you instantly have an interactive sweater for all festive activities!
8. Crazy Cat Lady
For those crazy cat lovers, here is your time to shine with your love of felines, a sweater full of cat faces. What says crazy cat lady more than that?
9. Rick and Morty: Get "Schwifty"
If you enjoy following the grandfather/grandson adventures than you know exactly what this phrase means. This is another great sweater to wear for those college-themed parties this season. Don’t forget to “show them what you go.”
10. Dabbing Santa
Dabbing found its home in the hearts of teens and college students about a year ago and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. To get into the festive spirit, here’s a sweater of Santa getting down with the currents trend!
I hope you've found your perfect (sweater) match!