December is right around the corner and stores have already started putting up the holiday decor and deals. Once Thanksgiving is over, everyone will be in total Christmas mode. But, when it comes to shopping during the holidays, things always get a little hectic and overwhelming.
So, who better to voice all the things you're thinking this December than the family full of drama, chaos, and humor: The Kardashians.
You on Black Friday when you start buying all your Christmas gifts.
You know that all your money is gonna go right down the drain.
When you wanna start buying everyone Christmas gifts, but you have no money.
Christmas can really take a toll on your bank account, but it really sucks when you love gift giving.
But, then this ends up being you at the mall during all of December.
Just take my money at this point.
When your favorite store isn't having any Christmas sales right now.
It's December, how are you not having sales???
When you get someone the BEST Christmas present.
I know I'm good at giving gifts. My gift to you is probably gonna be better than the one you give to me. Thank me later.
Mid way through December you realize...
Everyone's schedules become so hectic with the end of the year coming to a close that you feel like you don't have time to do anything anymore.
After a long day of Christmas shopping, all you wanna do is nap.
Shop till you drop, literally.
When someone tells you, you need to stop spending money.
It's Christmas, let me do as I please.
When someone keeps asking for a really expensive gift.
Stop asking me to buy you a $500 gift, I'm broke, remember?
When you almost slipped and told someone what they are getting for Christmas.
I always have that one gift that is just TOO good that I wanna tell everyone. There are too many times when I almost let it slip.
After getting all of the best deals in one day...
*round of applause*
When you see something at the store that you wanna buy for you, not someone else.
There is always that moment when shopping when you find something that you love, but then you have to remember that this is the season of giving, not receiving.
You, when your friends tell you that they wanna stop shopping.
Stop shopping? I don't know her.
Trying to comprehend what to do when the gift you wanted is sold out.
Your plan always gets messed up when the PERFECT gift is gone. Onto option 2!
After looking at your bank account to realize your balance is WAY lower than before you started shopping.
Wait, things cost money?
When a friend tells you what they want and you already got it for them.
If only you knew that I actually bought it for you!
When your friend gets you a gift that was NOWHERE on your list.
How do you even come up with this stuff?
The feeling after getting all your Christmas shopping done, wrapped, and under the tree.
After, all the craziness, you realize it was worth it to see how happy everyone is with their gifts.
Christmas is not about shopping but the whole process can be so overwhelming. Well, at least you have a whole year to save up for next season!