Tis' the season to worry about Christmas and holiday shopping. Whether it's for decorations or present, shopping doesn't have to leave you burnt out.
1. Get a planner or a notebook to plan everything out.
Whether you're a planner person or not, it will really help you during the holidays. This is my first year actually planning, and it has really been a lifesaver. I feel more organized than I've ever been, and it has been so relieving to see all the things that need to get done all in one spot so I don't miss anything.
2. Create lists you can refer back to.
This will absolutely save you. Make a list of people to shop for, present ideas, recipes to try, grocery lists, events and activities, decorations and anything else you need to keep track of. By creating lists, you give yourself the opportunity to have a great organization spot going. You'll be less likely to forget stuff, you can see what you still need to do and check off what you've accomplished.
3. Jot down ideas of new decorations you want to get.
This will give you a little more tunnel vision when it comes to picking out the decorations you want. You'll have an idea of a theme if that's what you're going for, or just random stuff that you think will go together. Sure, you're bound to stray and look at things that you don't need, and maybe buy a few things, but at least if you have ideas you won't come home with too many things that you don't know what do with because they don't fit in anywhere.
4. Try and catch good deals when you can.
Most people love finding a good deal on things, especially for the holidays! Keep a lookout for coupons and ads to help you save some money.
5. Make a budget so you don’t overspend or over shop.
Budgeting is a LIFE SAVER. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely an over spender and shopper around the holidays. I pick up way too many presents or too expensive of presents knowing I have more people to shop for. When I find something I like, I grab it because I know it won't be at the store when I come back.
Though it's fun, it's also so dangerous. If you keep track of your spending and budget, you're less likely to freak out and go on a shopping frenzy. I'm currently trying to keep track, and it's definitely kept me in line. I highly recommend doing this.
6. Keep your plans and lists updated.
What's the point of planning if you don't update? Planning keeps you on track, and it's so easy to derail if you forget. This can leave you scatterbrained, and then, you lose track of what you've done and what you have left to do. In order to maintain organization, you have to be consistent.
7. Reflect on how your organization went this year so you know what you need to work on.
This tip will definitely show you how you handled the holiday season. Reflection allows you to see your strengths, weaknesses and how you can or need to improve. Your organization skill become stronger for next year!
8. Take a step back, breathe and enjoy the holiday season.
Keep this in mind every day! It's very easy to get lost in the holiday stress, but it's also very important to take care of yourself, stay level headed, remember what's most important and enjoy yourself during the holidays.