Christmas lights are going up, carols are being played on the radio, the tree farms are set to be open soon and all that only means one thing — November is here.
Now, if you're like me, which for many reasons I hope you're not, that means you're counting everything. Counting how many people you'll need to get gifts for, how many tentative events you have lined up that you don't want to do, how many paydays are left between now and Christmas, and how many pounds you're hoping not to gain.
And even though that isn't what should be on your mind this time of year, it always seems to end up like that.
But that's where I want you to stop for a moment and just take some time and think thoughts for yourself. Things that should better reflect this time of year and what it stands for.
Here are three things to just try to put even a little more focus into this year in the coming holiday season.
1. Your own well-being.
Stress seems to flow more than pumpkin spice lattes this time of year and we tend to get caught up in worrying about perfecting this or meeting unspoken expectations that we often forget about us and how important we are as a person.
2. Enjoying nature!
I don't think this really needs an explanation, but fall and winter are two of the prettiest times of year! And I know I'm biased, but I think the PNW just has that little bit of extra that we don't see elsewhere.
3. Embracing the busy around.
OK, you gotta stay with me on this, and I know it sounds awful, but I get a sense of relaxation when I'm in a crowd full of busybodies who are rushing around this time of year. Just take a breath and embrace all the action and stress knowing that isn't you.