It is the most magical time of year. Thanksgiving is upon us and Christmas is almost here! Exams are close, but winter break is closer. November starts the barrage of holiday-themed everything. It seems as though the end of Halloween brings about the beginning of Christmas. The holiday season is always filled with ups and downs. Whether it's the immense happiness you feel when you see the Thanksgiving spread or the post family meal blues, Jennifer Lawrence is here to tell you she gets it. So, without further ado, here is the holiday season as told by J-Law.
Exams are stressful.
Exams are always the precursor to winter break. You just have to make it through them to get to the food and Netflix that wait for you on the other side. J-Law is here for you—to wish you good luck.
You should've studied, but you didn't.
I mean, all those seasons of "One Tree Hill" weren't going to watch themselves, were they? It's better just to accept your fate and fail that exam like a champ.
But your parents don't need to know you failed.
When they ask how you think you did, are you really going to tell them you didn't study for the final that was worth 40 percent of your grade?
That's okay, though, it won't hurt them and you'll do better next time.
Holidays mean one thing and one thing only: food. (Well, family too, but we'll get to that.)
The best thing about coming home is that, after living on ramen for three months, you get to stuff your face with delicious home cooking. The first thing you say when you walk in the door:
Seriously, you're about to do a lot of eating.
Now for the family part: they're going to ask a lot of questions.
How is your GPA? What's your major again? What are you going to do with that? Are you dating that guy? Oh, you broke up? Why?
Which will definitely make you feel bad about all of your life choices.
Seriously. Some deep stuff is going on in your head: Why did I chose that major? What am I going to do for a career? Can I just watch Netflix professionally?
Once you've had enough of your family, you get to spend time with your friends.
The reunion! The gang is back together! If you haven't seen them since summer it's going to be a cry/laugh/eat/Netflix-fest for the next month.
When you realize that the break is almost over.
No amount of time at home is ever enough. Whether it's a week for Thanksgiving or a month for winter break, there just isn't enough time.
The holidays are supposed to be filled with joy. Often times you go back to school realizing you ate way too much food and watched way too much Netflix. But you know what? That's okay—you do you. J-Law will always be there for you, no matter what.