There are many occasions in the last few months of the year that result in people going shopping such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Sales in clothing, food, gifts, toys, etc. shoot up during the holiday season; this is something that happens every year without fail. The holiday season is meant to be one of joy, laughter, and happiness for many who get to spend time at home with their friends and family. However, for the retail workers who are working around the clock, this is not always the case. When people go to the store they are often so focused on their agenda and the items that they have to purchase, that they fail to really consider the fact that the retail workers in the store have probably been working for a while and are dealing with a load of customers. Having worked in retail during major holidays such as Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve, I know firsthand how ignorant and unappreciative customers can be, even if they are doing it unknowingly. Working long shifts in retail can be hard on an individual's body in addition to their mental state, which is why it is important for consumers to be considerate and empathetic. There are so many things customers can do to help retail workers out, especially during the busy holiday season, and many of these things are so easy. For example, you can choose to be patient while waiting in line, leave the store without making a mess, choose not to blame the retail worker for the sale prices, be polite when asking for help, etc. Although they are small, many of these actions can make a retail worker's job easier and less stressful than it already is. Even if it is just saying please and thank you to a retail worker who is helping you, but a little goes a long way during the holidays.
LifestyleDec 25, 2019
Holiday Retail Therapy
Remember to appreciate your friendly neighborhood retail workers this holiday season.