If one thing is to be true about the holiday season as an adult, it is that it is an extremely stressful time for everyone. Whether it is the pressure from your family to make every single obligation, anxiety because you have to see your family, or simply the financial stress and pressures. The thing about gift giving as an adult is that you know very well that there is a 50/50 chance of the gift receiver will let the present sit in a corner of their room for the rest of eternity, or if they will actually use it. Instead of wasting money on more unnecessary possessions this holiday season, here are gifts that contribute to the world and its people in need.
1. International Rescue Committee
How these rescue gifts work, is that you are donating an emergency package to someone in need in honor of the gift receiver. There are a variety of packages to choose from, such as clean water, safe space for children, a year of school, warm blankets and much more ranging anywhere from $21-$150. Learn more or purchase a rescue gift here.
2. GreaterGood.com
You can buy regular gifts or gifts that give more--clean water, vaccinations for a shelter pet, etc. They have different shops that support hunger, breast cancer, animals, veterans, Alzheimers, autism, diabetes, literacy and the rainforest. Also, on certain items like coats and shoes, they'll give you a code to donate a similar item to someone in need. Click here to learn more.
3. BetterWorldBooks.com
They sell both new and used books. The proceeds go to many different literacy programs both domestic and international. Usually, when you look at your cart there will be a symbol next to each book describing the type of program it supports. Also, they donate books to literacy programs based on the number of books you buy. Find books here.
4. Ten Thousand Villages
Everything in their stores is fair trade so you are supporting fair wages. Also, at this time of year, the stores will host events for non-profits (animal shelters, etc.) on both weekdays and weekends. A percentage of the profits from the time of the event go straight to the organization. You can order from their website, or find one of their many locations, here.5. Greenheart Shop
Another fair trade store. Order online or find a location near you, here.6. PETA.org
They have their own online store for regular gifts and gifts that give more (a day off for a working farms animal, building a doghouse for an outdoor pet, etc.) but there is also a section called PETA Mall. The websites listed have a partnership or affiliation with PETA. When you shop at some of the sites through the PETA mall link, a percentage of the sale goes to PETA. Other sites listed that do not give a percentage of your sale are regular donors to PETA. Check them out here.7-8. The Defenders of Wildlife or The Center for Biological Diversity.
Both of these organizations have online shops for sponsoring different endangered species at a few different price levels. Check them out here and here.