1. Take a trip to your nearest city and spend a day doing whatever!
My friends and I headed to NYC and made a quick trip to the Museum of Sex where we bounced on some inflatable boobs... needless to say, it was a pretty weird situation.
2. Go ice skating at your local rink
I currently have bruises all over my knees from an attempted conga line that ended quite badly.
3. Read a book
During this down time its important to keep up the spirit, so why not read a book that you ACTUALLY enjoy
4. Find some new music to get you ready for the new year!
5. Figure out your New Years resolutions and plan out how you're going to stick to them.
6. Find some local restaurants that you've never been to before and make one your new spot for 2019
7. Use this time to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in a while
8. Plan ahead for Spring Break when you and all of your best buds will be together again.
Make some holiday goodies and DON'T feel guilty about it.
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